Are you looking for online reading activities? Â How about interactive practice activities targeting specific reading skills? At you can complete ereading worksheets: online reading skill quizzes about such subjects as identifying figurative language, recognizing patterns of organization or text structure, comprehending texts, determining the author’s purpose, and more.
Valuable practice with reading skills will help prepare students to succeed on standardized tests and make students more well-rounded readers. Â These activities are 100% free. Please share them with your students or others on your blog, web page, or web site.
Learn more about assign these online activities here.
Nonfiction Reading Tests
Here is a selection of online reading comprehension tests. These tests are based on nonfiction reading texts. The questions cover such reading skills as main idea, text structure, inferring, and (of course) comprehending.
Chess | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 1-4
TV | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 1-4
Metal Detectors | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6
Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6
Seat Belts | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6
The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6
The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6
Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6
Y2K | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
Money | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
The Cobra Effect | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
Redwoods and Arms Races | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
Reading (That’s right, a reading passage about reading) | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
Black Friday | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
Hummingbirds | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
Mad Hatters| Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
The Dodo | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
The Bermuda Triangle | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Phishing | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Child Inventors| Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Diamonds | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Worst Game Ever? | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Carnivorous Plants | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Google | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Honey Badgers | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Hyperinflation | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
Koko | Nonfiction Reading Test Ereading Worksheet
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
The Streisand Effect | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
Mongooses | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
Trampolines | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
Garbage | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
Asian Carp | Nonfiction Reading Test Ereading Worksheet
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
Maginot Line | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
The Library of Alexandria | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10
A Tale of Two Countries | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10
Kevlar | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11
Tigers | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11
The Statue of Liberty | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 8-12
Submarines | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 8-12
Castles | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 9-13
Gutenberg | Nonfiction Reading Test
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 9-13
Short Stories with Questions
Here are 20 of my all-time favorite short stories available as online tests. Students read the texts, answer the multiple-choice questions, and respond to the long-response prompts. Students can print, save, or email their responses. They can even share their scores on Facebook, if the kids are still doing the Facebook. Warning: Some of these texts contain violence. Mature subjects and themes may be at hand as well. Read these texts for appropriateness before you assign them to students. Visit my page on short stories to find better descriptions and alternate file formats for these texts.

“That Spot” by Jack London | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
“The Wartime Sacrifices of Mr. Spugg” by Stephen Leacock | Online Reading Activity
Suggested Reading level for this test: Grade 4-8
“The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger” by L. Frank Baum | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
“The Fir Tree” by Hans Christian Andersen | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
“The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
“The Gift of Magi” by O. Henry | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
“The Cat That Walked by Himself” by Rudyard Kipling | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
“The Story of Keesh” by Jack London | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
“The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wilde | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
“The Lottery Ticket” by Anton P. Chekhov | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
“The Ransom of Red Chief” by O. Henry | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9
“Gilray’s Flower-Pot” by J.M. Barrie | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10
“2 B R 0 2 B” by Kurt Vonnegut | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10
“A Mystery of Heroism” by Stephen Crane | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10
“The Hydrophobic Skunk” by Irvin S. Cobb | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10
“Mr. Brisher’s Treasure” by H. G. Wells | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10
“A Respectable Woman” by Kate Chopin | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11
“A Piece of Steak” by Jack London | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11
“The Son” by Hermann Hesse | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11
“Thrown Away” by Rudyard Kipling | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11
“Edward Mills and George Benton: A Tale” by Mark Twain | Online Reading Activity
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 8-12
Author’s Purpose Practice
Author’s Purpose Practice Test 1
Author’s Purpose Practice Test 2
Author’s Purpose Practice Test 3
Author’s Purpose Practice Test 4
Author’s Purpose Practice Test 5
Author’s Purpose Practice Test 6
Characterization Practice
Characterization Practice Test 1
Characterization Practice Test 2
Characterization Practice Test 3
Characterization Practice Test 4
Character Types Practice 1
Character Types Practice 2
Fact and Opinion
Fact and Opinion Practice Test 1
Fact and Opinion Practice Test 2
Fact and Opinion Practice Test 3
Fact and Opinion Practice Test 4
Fact and Opinion Practice Test 5
Fact and Opinion Practice Test 6
Figurative Language
Figurative Language Practice Test 1
Figurative Language Practice Test 2
Figurative Language Practice Test 3
Figurative Language Practice Test 4
Figurative Language Practice Test 5
Figurative Language Practice Test 6
Figurative Language Practice Test 7
Figurative Language Practice Test 8
Figurative Language Practice Test 9
Figurative Language Practice | Edgar Allan Poe
Figurative Language Practice | O. Henry
Figurative Language Practice | Shakespeare
Figurative Language Test 1
Figurative Language Test 2
Poetic Devices
Poetic Devices Practice Test 1
Poetic Devices Practice Test 2
Poetic Devices Practice Test 3
Figurative Language Poems
Figurative Language Poem 1:Sketch by Carl Sandburg
Figurative Language Poem 2:I Sing the Battle by Harry Kemp
Figurative Language Poem 3: from The Grave by Robert Blair
Figurative Language Poem 4: The Dawn’s Awakening! by Otto Leland Bohanan
Figurative Language Poem 5: Sleep by Annie Matheson
Figurative Language Poem 6: X and XXI by Emily Dickinson
Figurative Language Poem 7: A Lady by Amy Lowell
Figurative Language Poem 8: The Black Land by Joseph Warren Beach
Figurative Language Poem 9: Operating Room by John Reed
Personification Practice 1
Personification Practice 2
Personification Practice 3
Personification Practice 4
Personification Practice 5
Personification Practice 6
Personification Practice 7
Personification Practice 8
Personification Practice 9
Hyperbole and Understatement
Hyperbole and Understatement Practice 1
Hyperbole and Understatement Practice 2
Hyperbole and Understatement Practice 3
Hyperbole and Understatement Practice 4
Similes and Metaphors
Simile and Metaphor Practice 1
Simile and Metaphor Practice 2
Simile and Metaphor Practice 3
Simile and Metaphor Practice 4
Onomatopoeia Practice 1
Onomatopoeia Practice 2
Onomatopoeia Practice 3
Idioms Practice
Idioms | Practice Test 1
Idioms | Practice Test 2
Idioms | Practice Test 3
Idioms | Practice Test 4
Genre Practice
Genre Practice 1
Genre Practice 2
Genre Practice 3
Genre Practice 4
Genre Practice 5
Genre Practice 6
Genre Practice 7
Genre Practice 8
Genre Practice 9
Genre Practice 10
Inferences Practice
Making Inferences Practice 1
Making Inferences Practice 2
Making Inferences Practice 3
Making Inferences Practice 4
Making Inferences Practice 5
Irony Practice
Irony Practice 1
Irony Practice 2
Irony Practice 3
Main Idea Practice
Main Idea Practice 1
Main Idea Practice 2
Main Idea Practice 3
Main Idea Practice 4
Main Idea Practice 5
Mood Practice
Mood Practice 1
Mood Practice 2
Mood Practice 3
Making Predictions Practice 1
Making Predictions Practice 2
Making Predictions Practice 3
Making Predictions Practice 4
Point of View Practice
Point of View Test 1 (10 questions)
Point of View Test 2 (10 questions)
Point of View Test 3 (10 questions)
Point of View Test 4 (20 questions)
Point of View Test 5 (20 questions)
Point of View Test 6 (20 questions)
Point of View Test 7 (20 questions)
Point of View Test 8 (20 questions)
Point of View Test 9 (20 questions)
Point of View Test 10 (20 questions)
Final Point of View Test (40 questions)
Setting Practice
Setting Test 1
Setting Test 2
Setting Test 3
Summary Practice
Story Structure Practice
Story Structure Practice Test 1 – “The Breakaway”
Story Structure Practice Test 2 – “When Gertrude Grew Great”
Story Structure Practice Test 3 – “The Phone Call”
Story Structure Practice Test 4 – “Unto Others”
Story Structure Practice Test 5 – “Blood is Thicker”
Text Structure Practice
Text Structure Practice 1
Text Structure Practice 2
Text Structure Practice 3
Text Structure Practice 4
Text Structure Practice 5
Theme Practice 1
Theme Practice 2
Theme Practice 3
Theme Practice 4
Theme Practice 5
Tone Practice 1
Tone Practice 2
Tone Practice 3
Tone Practice 4
Tone Practice 5
Types of Conflict
Types of Conflict Practice 1
Types of Conflict Practice 2
Types of Conflict Practice 3
Types of Conflict Practice 4
Nouns and Superheroes
Singular, Plural, and Possessive Nouns
Concrete and Abstract Nouns
Common and Proper Nouns 1
Common and Proper Nouns 2
Common and Proper Nouns and Pronouns
Singular, Plural, and Possessive Nouns 1
Singular, Plural, and Possessive Nouns 2
Noun Types Practice 1
Noun Types Practice 2
Nouns Test
Capitalization Practice 1
Capitalization Practice 2
Capitalization Practice 3
Capitalization Test
Contractions Practice 1
Contractions Practice 2
Contractions Practice 3
Double Negatives
Double Negatives Practice 1
Double Negatives Practice 2
Double Negatives Practice 3
Homophone Practice 1
Homophone Practice 2
Homophone Practice 3
Action Verbs and Verbs of Being with Pirates
Verb Phrases with Horses
Verb Conjugation, Tense, and Aspect on the Farm
Verbs Test with Insects
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects
Simple Subjects and Predicates Practice 1
Simple Subjects and Predicates Practice 2
Simple Subjects and Predicates Practice 3
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects with Skaters!
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects with Pirates!
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects with the Pretty Princess
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects Practice 1
Subjects, Predicates, and Objects Practice 2
End Marks
Practice with End Marks 1
Practice with End Marks 2
Commas or Semicolons
Comma or Semicolon 1
Comma or Semicolon 2
/ February 9, 2022I work with ESL adults. I really appreciate the age appropriate content. It’s not always easy finding low level non-fiction that are of interest to adults that also cover reading skills and assessments. Thank you!
Karen Page
/ September 1, 2021How do I find the scores to the online work my students have done?
Mr. Morton
/ September 1, 2021Hello.
The students have to turn their scores into you.
So, they can email their scores or print them as PDF.
I recommend that you require them to keep records of their work, as sometimes they claim delivery errors, and I keep no records of any work they do.
So, the only way to ensure that there is no delivery errors is to require them keep records of their work.
They can do this by printing their scores or emailing themselves a score sheet.
Best wishes!
/ April 14, 2022thank you so much
Monica DAvis
/ September 26, 2020This site has been a blessing to me .IT has been so helpful in finding passages rlated to the Reading Skills. Thank You Mr. Morton
Brigette Furio
/ September 2, 2020KUDOS TO!!!!
I have been using your site for teaching my ESL students before, but this newly updated version here with the opportunity to assign my learners and let them do it!!! This is just brilliant and such a great help for my students and me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! MORE POWER!!
Mr. Morton
/ September 2, 2020Thank you for finding value in my work and taking the time to comment.
/ August 16, 2020Is there a way to assign my students a text and receive their recorded answers?
Mr. Morton
/ August 17, 2020Yes.
You can send them a link to any assignment.
They can email you their scores and responses as PDF files after the test.
They can also print and save them.
But, make sure you have them back up their scores to their own devices.
Otherwise, if a mailing error occurs, their scores will be lost forever.
I don’t save student data.
Best wishes!
/ May 13, 2020I love this site. My only small problem is when I receive the scores. I see students have turned in the quiz, but I have not received scores. Is there a place that I can look for the scores rather than wait for emails?
Mr. Morton
/ May 18, 2020No, I don’t receive or store any of the data.
It is merely processed into emails and PDFs and then discarded.
So I can’t see or recover any student responses, nor can I deliver their scores to you in any faster way.
Best wishes!
/ August 7, 2019Thanks for helping my son read and inference because its very hard to get him to understand things out of his comfort zone.Thankyou (‘^’)
Marlon Vance Ballesteros
/ July 26, 2019Is this applicable for grade 3 and grade 5 children? Thank you.
Mr. Morton
/ September 6, 2019Some will be more useful than others, but I say give it a shot!
/ July 15, 2019Dang These text structures are sick
Mansour Haidari
/ June 17, 2019I learned a lot
really thanks
/ May 20, 2019i love it …it is very useful for children but it repeats questions that is a negative remark other than that nothing bad everything good very very helpful for my child thanks a lot ……. for arranging this website it was love at first site……thanks again
/ May 8, 2019The text for “The Gift of Magi” is missing.
Mr. Morton
/ May 8, 2019Thanks for pointing that out.
I restored the text.
/ February 4, 2020thank you
B Robertson
/ April 24, 2019Thank you for this fabulous set of resources!! I have had a hard time finding online resources for 8th grade students in ELA until I found your website. I am grateful for your hard work and dedication to education!
/ April 22, 2019Ereading is nice and the best thing is it is free. This website is good use as a review before a test.
/ April 17, 2019best website ever i love how it works
Sylvia Sapp
/ March 20, 2019This is an excellent website for reading practice.
/ March 16, 2019wow
my life has changed
T. Long
/ December 9, 2018I’m a fourth grade teacher. It took me a little while to go through and find the ones that had content appropriate for younger students. However, I found a lot of great ones that I will use with my class. Thank you! The homophone one with the alien was my favorite.
/ November 8, 2018The text for “The Statue of Liberty” is missing.
Mr. Morton
/ November 8, 2018Thank you for reporting the error. I have fixed it:
/ October 2, 2018I put my name and then I put no short answers. And do homophones
Mr. Morton
/ October 2, 2018That’s a very ninja thing to do.
your name is incorrect
/ June 26, 2018hello my fellow people
this site helps a lot
Ellie Murray
/ June 5, 2018This really helped so much!!!
/ May 4, 2018this is so GREAT i love this sight
/ April 9, 2018i like this
/ March 7, 2018i need the answers for my class someone please help me.
Demarius Mason
/ January 22, 2018Thanks to this website I just aced my ELA test! Thank you so so SO much! Great website!
/ January 8, 2018This is my FAVOURITE resource of all time. I have used so many aspects. Currently, I am planning my new year’s work and I’m smiling all the way. Just the biggest thank you.
Mr. Morton
/ January 8, 2018I’m so happy to hear that. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment. Have a great new year!
Karen Miles
/ December 1, 2016My students are unable to print from their chromebooks. Is there a way for me to see their score without receiving 100 emails?
Mr. Morton
/ December 6, 2016I’m working on integrating with Google Classroom, but I’m afraid not. Perhaps make a new email address just to receive score submissions?
sultan alsultan
/ October 24, 2016thank u
Renee Cole
/ September 1, 2016I love this site but am unable to access many of the resources that I click on. What am I doing wrong? Do I need a subscription?
Mr. Morton
/ September 10, 2016No, you don’t need a subscription. Maybe you are using an outdated browser? Contact me at and I can help you troubleshoot the problem. Together, we can make this site a better place.
Donna Henderson
/ June 15, 2016Hello, I’ve just found this fantastic resource and I would like to work through the ereading worksheets but can’t seem to go beyond the passages to locate the questions. Is there something I need to do to access the questions? For example, I’m trying to work on the passage about seat belts at the moment as this is the type of resource which I feel would benefit my students. Thank you. Donna Henderson. St Paul’s Academy, Dundee, UK.
Mr. Morton
/ June 29, 2016Hello. The questions open up in a separate tab. I hope that you find them. Best wishes!
Mr. Morton
/ November 1, 2017The texts and the questions now appear in the same tab. Thanks!
zaria johhney
/ December 18, 2017ok thanks sir
/ April 14, 2016Wow great
Would like more stories
Is thier a club we could join
My class is only using ipads
Mr. Morton
/ May 5, 2016That’s interesting. I have no premium membership section, but I add content to here all of the time. Check back again!
/ March 28, 2016where can you find FSA tests to do.
Tammy Callahan
/ December 14, 2015Dear Mr. Morton,
I am a former teacher of 25 years in primary education. I retired five years ago after being so discouraged with the direction I saw education turning. I now am an educational coach to students Pre-K through high school and mentor parents in getting their children the guidance they need academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. I used this for the first time today on a freshman who has an IEP and they are saying she is mastering content she indeed has not. Thank you for your commitment to the students and families.
Mr. Morton
/ December 14, 2015I’m sure it helps that she has a great coach. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment. I hope that you use the site again!
/ March 7, 2018i need hlep
/ December 12, 2015This site has helped me for my exams
/ September 23, 2015pretty cool, had to use it for ELA. chill website
Poonam Trivedi
/ July 6, 2015My students won’t stop-they loved it so much! I am equally excited-thank you for giving your time and patience for creating such a useful site!
Mr. Morton
/ July 6, 2015I am working to improve and expand the site. Thank you for visiting and taking the time to comment.
odensa curato
/ December 9, 2014thank you.this helps me so much and I learned more.
/ July 8, 2014Congrats!!! this is a very powerful and excellent site. I’m plannig to use it with me University students next semester!!!
Thanks a lot for the time, effort and care which it shows is GREAT GREAT ONE!!!
/ April 8, 2014this is awesome
/ February 3, 2013I am so excited about your website! I can’t wait to show the power point and use the materials with my class. Thank you and please update me often with any updated information. I will invite my colleagues to take a look at this site also. Thank you.
Mr. Morton
/ February 14, 2013Thank you. Follow me on Facebook for notifications of important updates. Best wishes!
Margaret Thorstenson
/ November 26, 2012These are great, but there seem to be a lot of mistakes! Do we know who administers this site? Commercial? Educational?
Mr. Morton
/ January 5, 2013Yikes! I’m a single man, single in the sense of being one person. I have a family, and a teaching job, and the meager semblance of a social life. I appreciate any help anyone can offer in pointing out these errors. I will fix the errors shortly after I am notified. Best wishes!
/ November 19, 2012found bit difficult but got through it
/ October 27, 2012Hi I think that was a little hard.. My kids really struggled!
/ October 17, 2012I really enjoy this site my students loves it and they are really enjoying it they are now wanting to so this everyday now that I showed them that this can help them. ((:
This helps me with grading and with my students are enjoying school…
/ October 17, 2012i know this is GREAT where do you teach?