Short Stories with Questions

This page features 20 of my favorite short stories with questions. These reading activities are perfect for classroom use. Written by some of the greatest authors in history, these stories are short enough to cover in a single class period, and rich enough to warrant study. I tried to select stories that students would find […]

Writing Narrative Essays and Short Stories

A narrative essay is a journey through time. It is a personal account of the writer’s experience, but it doesn’t need to be boring. There are lots of ways to add creativity and zing. Narrative essays are works of art. As with all arts, you have to work hard to master the form. There is […]

Narrative Essay Topics and Story Ideas

A narrative essay is a journey through time. Every narrative essay has three parts: a beginning, a middle, and an end. Writing a narrative essay is different from a persuasive essay. Persuasive essays are more structured. They have main points that the writer supports. Narrative essays do not have such arguments. They have settings, characters, […]

Setting Worksheets

The setting of the story is the time and place that it occurs. Every story has a setting. The setting helps to create the mood of the story. It influences how readers feel about the text. Here is an example of what I mean. How Does Setting Affect Mood? Imagine a story about a girl […]

Online Genre Practice Tests

Genre is like a category, a group of things with similar traits. As a reader, understanding genre will help you to form expectations of a text. This will allow you to make better predictions. You will also be able to tell when an author is playing with the conventions of a genre. It is useful […]

Character Types Worksheets and Lessons

Scholars use many different terms when they are discussing the characters in a story. A character can be a protagonist, or central character. That same protagonist can also be a dynamic character, or one who undergoes significant changes in the story. And scholars may also call that dynamic protagonist round or flat based on how […]

Types of Conflict Worksheets

What would a story be without a conflict? It would be boring. Perhaps that is why all stories worth telling have a problem. Most scholars agree that there are six basic types of conflicts in literature. I will define each of these. Then I will provide PowerPoint lessons and worksheets that reinforce these ideas. Use […]

Summarizing Worksheets and Activities

Summarizing is one of those skills that may seem very easy to a teacher but can be difficult for students who have not been properly taught how to summarize. For many years I did not even teach my seventh and eighth grade students how to summarize. I would just ask them to summarize texts and […]

List of Character Traits

My students are generally pretty perceptive when it comes to interpreting the motives and behaviors of characters. What they lack is an adequate vocabulary to appropriately describe the characters. I have used this list to help my students advance their character trait vocabularies, and I hope that it will help you too. Here is a […]

Reading Units and Lesson Plans Aligned with Common Core

I received an email from a teacher working in a situation similar to mine: students who are deficient in basic skills, a lack of useful resources in the classroom, misdirection or no direction from the top. This teacher found the resources on this website to be a tremendous help in reaching her instructional goals, but […]