By definition a research paper requires the writer to learn a great deal about their subject, so it is always a good practice to select a topic that truly interests you before you begin gathering sources. Â If you are interested in your topic, learning about it will be more pleasurable and you will write with greater passion, so choose your topic thoughtfully. Â Use the following list of 101 research paper topics as a starting point for your paper. Â As you begin learning and writing about your topic, you should revise or amend your research question or thesis statement to better match the information that you are interpreting, analyzing, and expressing. Â Let your interest guide you. Â If you’re not having fun learning and writing about your topic, perhaps you should pick one that interests you more.
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101 Research Paper Topics
By: Mr. MortonÂ
- Why do we sleep?
- How do GPS systems work?
- Who was the first person to reach the North Pole?
- Did anybody ever escape Alcatraz?
- What was life like for a gladiator?
- What are the effects of prolonged steroid use on the human body?
- What happened during the Salem witch trials?
- Are there any effective means of repelling insects?
- How did trains and railroads change life in America?
- What may have occurred during the Roswell UFO incident of 1947?
- How is bulletproof clothing made?
- What Olympic events were practiced in ancient Greece?
- What are the major theories explaining the disappearance of the dinosaurs?
- How was the skateboard invented and how has it changed over the years?
- How did the long bow contribute to English military dominance?
- What caused the stock market crash of 2008?
- How did Cleopatra come to power in Egypt what did she do during her reign?
- How has airport security intensified since September 11th, 2001?
- What is life like inside of a beehive?
- Where did hip hop originate and who were its founders?
- What makes the platypus a unique and interesting mammal?
- How does tobacco use affect the human body?
- How do computer viruses spread and in what ways do they affect computers?
- What is daily life like for a Buddhist monk?
- What are the origins of the conflict in Darfur?
- How did gunpowder change warfare?
- In what ways do Wal-Mart stores affect local economies?
- How were cats and dogs domesticated and for what purposes?
- What do historians know about ninjas?
- How has the music industry been affected by the internet and digital downloading?
- What were the circumstances surrounding the death of Osama Bin Laden?
- What was the women’s suffrage movement and how did it change America?
- What efforts are being taken to protect endangered wildlife?
- How much does the war on drugs cost Americans each year?
- How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?
- Are humans still evolving?
- What technologies are available to home owners to help them conserve energy?
- How have oil spills affected the planet and what steps are being taken to prevent them?
- What was the Magna Carta and how did it change England?
- What is the curse of the pharaohs?
- Why was Socrates executed?
- What nonlethal weapons are used by police to subdue rioters?
- How does the prison population in America compare to other nations?
- How did ancient sailors navigate the globe?
- Can gamblers ever acquire a statistical advantage over the house in casino games?
- What is alchemy and how has it been attempted?
- How are black holes formed?
- How was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln plotted and executed?
- Do the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks?
- How do submarines work?
- Do lie detector tests accurately determine truthful statements?
- How did Cold War tension affect the US and the world?
- What happened to the lost settlers at Roanoke?
- How does a hybrid car save energy?
- What ingredients can be found inside of a hotdog?
- How did Julius Caesar affect Rome?
- What are some common sleep disorders and how are they treated?
- How did the Freedom Riders change society?
- How is internet censorship used in China and around the world?
- What was the code of the Bushido and how did it affect samurai warriors?
- What are the risks of artificial tanning or prolonged exposure to the sun?
- What programs are available to help war veterans get back into society?
- What steps are involved in creating a movie or television show?
- How have the film and music industries dealt with piracy?
- How did Joan of Arc change history?
- What responsibilities do secret service agents have?
- How does a shark hunt?
- What dangers and hardships did Lewis and Clark face when exploring the Midwest?
- Has the Patriot Act prevented or stopped terrorist acts in America?
- Do states that allow citizens to carry guns have higher or lower crime rates?
- How are the Great Depression and the Great Recession similar and different?
- What are the dangers of scuba diving and underwater exploration?
- How does the human brain store and retrieve memories?
- What was the Manhattan Project and what impact did it have on the world?
- How does stealth technology shield aircraft from radar?
- What causes tornadoes?
- Why did Martin Luther protest against the Catholic Church?
- How does a search engine work?
- What are the current capabilities and future goals of genetic engineers?
- How did the Roman Empire fall?
- What obstacles faced scientists in breaking the sound barrier?
- How did the black plague affect Europe?
- What happened to Amelia Earhart?
- What are the dangers and hazards of using nuclear power?
- How did Genghis Khan conquer Persia?
- What architectural marvels were found in Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec Empire?
- From where does spam email come and can we stop it?
- How does night vision work?
- How did journalists influence US war efforts in Vietnam?
- What are the benefits and hazards of medical marijuana?
- What causes desert mirages and how do they affect wanderers?
- What was the cultural significance of the first moon landing?
- What are sinkholes and how are they formed?
- Have any psychics ever solved crimes or prevented them from occurring?
- Who is Vlad the Impaler and what is his connection to Count Dracula?
- What are the risks of climate change and global warming?
- What treatments are available to people infected with HIV and are they effective?
- Who was a greater inventor, Leonardo di Vinci or Thomas Edison?
- How are the Chinese and American economies similar and different?
- Why was communism unsuccessful in so many countries?
- In what ways do video games affect children and teenagers?

I hope this list will help you choose a topic for your research paper. Remember that these ideas should be used as a starting point; you will have to make these topics your own during the writing and research process. Don’t be afraid to alter and revise your thesis or research question to better match your interests or to align with your research. Would you like to suggest a research paper topic?  Leave it in the comments below.
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Deeyaa Salem
/ February 8, 2016Hi I want to find out about the experiment and treatments in asylums
Mr. Morton
/ February 9, 2016That’s a great topic. Very interesting. Another topic of interest might be the role of prisons and jails as defacto mental health services providers in America. Best wishes!
usha parmar
/ February 6, 2016can you please suggest the topi for project work on export import subject
Mr. Morton
/ February 9, 2016Sure, I would research the effects of tariffs in a few historical contexts.
/ February 4, 2016Hi. Mr.Morton can you give me a topic about Political science please thank you
Mr. Morton
/ February 9, 2016Sure, I would research how “big data” has changed campaign strategies. I would try to do this by comparing two political campaigns, say Obama’s from 2012, with one from like 20 to 40 years earlier. Best wishes!
/ February 3, 2016Hi
May have research proposal relevant to this topic;impact of technology in countinuing education
komal grewal
/ February 3, 2016Thanku so much sir. I really appreciate ur suggstion which makes well in writing. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Mr. Morton
/ February 9, 2016You are so welcome.
/ February 3, 2016Hi. can you help me doing my research paper? Its my first time doing it
Fatt Smith
/ February 2, 2016hello mr. morton! Im a junior student, and I need to submit a research paper. I dont know what could be my research topic. could u please give me a specific topic that is latest and most of the people are aware already.
/ February 2, 2016hi ,can you pleas give me a topic about holidays
Mr. Morton
/ February 9, 2016How about researching the origins of Christmas? That might be interesting.
/ February 1, 2016Any topics on self-motivation?
kirti vaish
/ January 30, 2016i want to do research in artificial intelligent and robotics which can help human being what should i do
/ January 30, 2016Hello.I am 15 years old and my teacher asked me to make a resesrch paper topic.I just have 5 days to make it because after that i am going somewhere. so basically i need a topic which is not so common but a bit easy to work on. so i request you to suggest me a good topic and i really need your help.
thank you.
/ January 29, 2016I’m confused on my Roman Empire topic
Mr. Morton
/ March 30, 2017The Roman Empire is huge. Gather some sources, start reading, and narrow down the topic based on what interests you.
Moomal Raza
/ January 29, 2016Hello Mr. Morton..
I am the student of English Literature Final year..
First of all do suggest the research topic ..
An other thing is that i have chosen the topic ” How teachers’s behaviour effect on the learning process” ??
So what should be my research questions regarding this topic..?? Or is this topic is relevant or not..??
Reply as soon as possible..
/ January 28, 2016hi mr. morton i want some imp. points about hydrolic power plant as a reference plz reply, thank you.
/ January 27, 2016Could you make a topic about dental wise for my research topic?
/ January 27, 2016I am a grade 11 student and I was looking for a topic about how the way children are raised have an effect on who they wil be in the future. Hope to get a feedback soon.
Mukwaya John
/ January 26, 2016how can village lives made better?
uwitonze M.Josee
/ January 26, 2016Hi Mr Morton, I am finishing level 5 undergradute in department of Office Administrator and Management. and I need your help to find a suitable 3 topics to do research. thank you very much.
/ January 22, 2016Is the media exposing domestic terrorism an enabler or a solution to the problem?
/ January 22, 2016Good day! I need your advice for my topic , it’s all about the “productive learning” . How to do this, because this is my first time to have a research paper. Thank you đ
/ January 18, 2016hi. can you please give me a topic about computers.thank you.
/ January 17, 2016plz i want four different research proposal topic in maritime sector
/ January 17, 2016Hello Mr. Morton, am Jr high school student. Can you help me find what’s best 4 titles about a broken family children topic? It’s quit difficult for me ’cause it’s my first time to make a reserch paper. Pls help me, I need your reply asap. Thank you so much Mr. Morton.
/ March 1, 2016roles disfunction families take. effects of abuse in home. How to break the cycle.
/ January 15, 2016I need help trying to figure out what to write about, i have to fill out 100 index cards full of research then write a 4 page essay. Help please and thank you!
/ January 14, 2016I am an undergraduate student offering BA. Fine Arts. I have couple of topics that I have intended to research on. I would like you to help me select the best of these, which is worth researchable:
a) How the computer has enhance the production of artworks
b) How digital painting assists in reproduction and multiples pf artworks.
c) Why digital painting is recommended for large artworks commissions.
d) Why digital painting as prints sells in the 21st Century
e) How digital painting saves time.
f) What digital painting has charged and discharged the artistic attitude towards on traditional painting.
g) The adoption of digital technique and styles in painting
h) Exploration of artistic media – (case study_ Digital Painting)
Spec: BA. Painting
Tech: Digital Painting
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016These are all very good topics. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what research is available because I am not an expert in that subject. Since your topics are all centered around digital painting, I’d start by researching that topic. Cast a wide net. As you find compelling research, you can narrow your focus. Best wishes!
/ April 18, 2016can you help me with dean amdrose topic
/ January 13, 2016good day mister morton, would you help me with my research paper? i can’t find the right title for it. my research paper is about teacher’s characteristics and how it affects the learning process of the students.
e.g. if the teacher is strict what is the effect of it to students learning. does the students study because they like to or just because they don’t want to be scolded by his/her teacher.
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016Hmm… I see what you’re saying, but I’m not sure that I can word it any better. Maybe something like, “Composure in the Classroom: The Role of the Teacher’s Demeanor.” In any event, you should write your topic first and then come up with a title. It’s easier that way.
Tami Tami
/ February 1, 2016Good day Mr. Morton, I am in the process of starting a research paper but am not so good at research papers and I really don’t want to fail. I would be grateful for any assistance.
Thank you in advance
/ January 12, 2016Can you give me a topic related to students?
/ January 12, 2016Hi mr morton. Im 19 years old, and i am trying to find suitable topics to do research. What kind of topics do you is suitable for 19 years old student?
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016You are an adult, so pretty much any topic that interests you and is relevant in anyway to society.
/ January 11, 2016I have to write a science research paper and i do not like science. Is there a topic you can suggest that incorporates art and science?
aruho apollo
/ January 11, 2016I have liked this page .but i wanted to ask if u can create for me aresearch topic on mushroom farming .am in israel and studying at telhai college and am to write aresearch proposal about mushroom becoz its the farm am doing my interniship from .thank u .hoping to recieving feedback soon
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016That sounds very interesting. Unfortunately, I’m not in a very good position to help you develop a topic. You, believe it or not, are the best source of topics. You have to find something about the process that interests you. Something controversial. Perhaps a divergence in methods within your trade. Learn more about that and you’ll be ready to write your paper. Best wishes!
/ January 11, 2016Hi Mr. Morton, I am a highschool student and my teacher asked me to research something (any topic) and I need a cause and effect for it. Please help
/ January 10, 2016Good day Sir. Morton đ
My research topic is about “The cause and effect of Global Warming and Climate Change in the Philippines.”
My first topic was about the Freedom of Speech in the Philippines but i don’t have any reference books about it.
Any comment about my topic.
or suggestion. because i am planning to change my topic.? please suggest I need it so badly to pass this 2nd semester đ Thanks in advance Sir.
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016You have to go where the research takes you. Gather your sources and begin reading them. Keep your writing simple. Best wishes!
/ January 9, 2016Can you pls help me break down the topic about music?
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016Music is much too broad of a topic. You will need to get very narrow. Perhaps focus on a particular artist or musical movement.
Gigi Villania
/ January 9, 2016Hi mr morton. whats a good engineering topic?
/ January 9, 2016hi! i would like to ask your help..our group were assigned to make a research about plants. can you help me which topic to tackle because it’s so hard for us to find one. thatnk you by the way
/ January 7, 2016Hi Mr. Morton! I am majoring in Bsc Statistics and i need an interesting topic in the health field for my research work…..pls.
Thank you
/ December 23, 2015Mr morton thank you for giving me encouragement to proceed with my dissertation regarding establishing a Army Bank. My question is, what are the literature review that i have to reffer to suffice the paper.
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016I have no idea. That’s what researching is all about. If you’re on the Internet, you’re pretty well-connected to a wealth of knowledge. Best wishes in your research.
A student
/ December 9, 2015I am doing a research report at a high school level. Is the following question correct to write a report on?
Should all countries have the right to possess nuclear weapons?
Mr. Morton
/ December 11, 2015That’s a great topic.
Blessie Joy Delima
/ December 8, 2015Hello. I was about to write a research paper about Language proficiency but I dont know what my title is. Its quite hard for me to decide my title. Perks of being a first timer. Can you help e decide my title? Thankyou
Mercedes Vives
/ December 7, 2015Hi my topic is about counseling interventions for children with behavioral difficulties but I’m having trouble with the thesis. Any suggestions?
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016It sounds like you need to start writing. Your thesis may change over the course of your essay. I suggest that you write your paper and then change your thesis to reflect what you have written.
/ December 7, 2015Hi ! can i ask for your help ? what is the best topic in research paper ? i need atleast 3 topics right now. topics that are not too broad. ASAP PLEASE ?! THANK YOU đ
/ December 7, 2015Hello, I’m planning on writing a research paper on regenerative medicine and don’t know exactly what to focus on. Can you help me?
/ December 6, 2015So I have to come up with a reasearch question starting “to what extent” and this is based on how the United States expansion during the Mexican War affect the people. it has to be:
relevant to U.S. expansionâs impact on people
. quotes or ideas should come from
Zinn: âWe Take Nothing by Conquest, Thank Godâ chapter 8
If you can help that would be the utmost appreciated. Thank you.
Mr. Morton
/ January 19, 2016To what extent did the US instigate or provoke war with Mexico in order to seize lands?
Best wishes.
/ December 6, 2015concept of a Army Bank is a new context for our country. what is your opinion doing a feasibility study on the establishing a Army Bank.
Mr. Morton
/ December 11, 2015If you can find research about this topic and it interests you, I say go for it.
jobelle dionisio
/ December 4, 2015HI Mr.Morton may ask for your suggestion for my language research ?
I haven’t any idea yet.
Thanks in advance
Mr. Morton
/ December 11, 2015If I were you, I’d pick an interesting war between two countries and research ways in which these conflicts influenced their languages. For example, the word boku was picked up by American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The Vietnamese picked this word up while fighting the French, who used the word beaucoup. I’d pick a military encounter in which you are interested and trace some of the words that crossed over.
/ December 3, 2015i have to do a research paper that has a problem cause effect and solution but i can’t think of any good topics and i don’t want to plagiarize your ideas can you help me?
/ December 2, 2015i am to make a major research paper about the topic “the Church and Poverty” but i couldn’t decide to have a good TITLE for me to start and questions that’s why i could not start my research. please help me thank you..
Mr. Morton
/ December 2, 2015Don’t worry about your title. Start researching and writing your paper. Don’t let the title shape your paper. Let the research. When you are almost done writing your paper, it will be easier to come up with a title.
/ February 9, 2017awesome approach. I have been racking my brain and running out of ideas to write my research paper about. This advice was crucial. its a simple as just start writing!
Thank you!!
/ December 1, 2015Can you recommend any topics related to the media? I need to analyse a media topic, pointing out stereotypes and how propaganda was used to deceive people, then write a report in relation to it. I need to be able to make-up a questionnaire on it to include primary research, too.
Thanks for any advice.
Mr. Morton
/ December 2, 2015That’s interesting. Perhaps you could compare and contrast how the media treated two mass shooters of differing ethnicities. It might yield interesting results.
/ November 28, 2015Hi Sir,
I am doing Research paper and I need a topic. Could you please suggest me a new topic for research paper particularly in Computer Studies or about social media… thank you. đ
/ November 25, 2015Thanks for the list,
I am actually having a MRP,
As a smoker to vaper/ecig
, i would like to research
the habit between them.. and the facts of why some people doesn’t smoke, but vape.
Any point i should add in this research?
would help me a lot.