Research Paper Topics

By definition a research paper requires the writer to learn a great deal about their subject, so it is always a good practice to select a topic that truly interests you before you begin gathering sources.  If you are interested in your topic, learning about it will be more pleasurable and you will write with greater passion, so choose your topic thoughtfully.  Use the following list of 101 research paper topics as a starting point for your paper.  As you begin learning and writing about your topic, you should revise or amend your research question or thesis statement to better match the information that you are interpreting, analyzing, and expressing.  Let your interest guide you.  If you’re not having fun learning and writing about your topic, perhaps you should pick one that interests you more.

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101 Research Paper Topics


  1. Why do we sleep?
  2. How do GPS systems work?
  3. Who was the first person to reach the North Pole?
  4. Did anybody ever escape Alcatraz?
  5. What was life like for a gladiator?
  6. What are the effects of prolonged steroid use on the human body?
  7. What happened during the Salem witch trials?
  8. Are there any effective means of repelling insects?
  9. How did trains and railroads change life in America?
  10. What may have occurred during the Roswell UFO incident of 1947?
  11. How is bulletproof clothing made?
  12. What Olympic events were practiced in ancient Greece?
  13. What are the major theories explaining the disappearance of the dinosaurs?
  14. How was the skateboard invented and how has it changed over the years?
  15. How did the long bow contribute to English military dominance?
  16. What caused the stock market crash of 2008?
  17. How did Cleopatra come to power in Egypt what did she do during her reign?
  18. How has airport security intensified since September 11th, 2001?
  19. What is life like inside of a beehive?
  20. Where did hip hop originate and who were its founders?
  21. What makes the platypus a unique and interesting mammal?
  22. How does tobacco use affect the human body?
  23. How do computer viruses spread and in what ways do they affect computers?
  24. What is daily life like for a Buddhist monk?
  25. What are the origins of the conflict in Darfur?
  26. How did gunpowder change warfare?
  27. In what ways do Wal-Mart stores affect local economies?
  28. How were cats and dogs domesticated and for what purposes?
  29. What do historians know about ninjas?
  30. How has the music industry been affected by the internet and digital downloading?
  31. What were the circumstances surrounding the death of Osama Bin Laden?
  32. What was the women’s suffrage movement and how did it change America?
  33. What efforts are being taken to protect endangered wildlife?
  34. How much does the war on drugs cost Americans each year?
  35. How is text messaging affecting teen literacy?
  36. Are humans still evolving?
  37. What technologies are available to home owners to help them conserve energy?
  38. How have oil spills affected the planet and what steps are being taken to prevent them?
  39. What was the Magna Carta and how did it change England?
  40. What is the curse of the pharaohs?
  41. Why was Socrates executed?
  42. What nonlethal weapons are used by police to subdue rioters?
  43. How does the prison population in America compare to other nations?
  44. How did ancient sailors navigate the globe?
  45. Can gamblers ever acquire a statistical advantage over the house in casino games?
  46. What is alchemy and how has it been attempted?
  47. How are black holes formed?
  48. How was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln plotted and executed?
  49. Do the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks?
  50. How do submarines work?
  51. Do lie detector tests accurately determine truthful statements?
  52. How did Cold War tension affect the US and the world?
  53. What happened to the lost settlers at Roanoke?
  54. How does a hybrid car save energy?
  55. What ingredients can be found inside of a hotdog?
  56. How did Julius Caesar affect Rome?
  57. What are some common sleep disorders and how are they treated?
  58. How did the Freedom Riders change society?
  59. How is internet censorship used in China and around the world?
  60. What was the code of the Bushido and how did it affect samurai warriors?
  61. What are the risks of artificial tanning or prolonged exposure to the sun?
  62. What programs are available to help war veterans get back into society?
  63. What steps are involved in creating a movie or television show?
  64. How have the film and music industries dealt with piracy?
  65. How did Joan of Arc change history?
  66. What responsibilities do secret service agents have?
  67. How does a shark hunt?
  68. What dangers and hardships did Lewis and Clark face when exploring the Midwest?
  69. Has the Patriot Act prevented or stopped terrorist acts in America?
  70. Do states that allow citizens to carry guns have higher or lower crime rates?
  71. How are the Great Depression and the Great Recession similar and different?
  72. What are the dangers of scuba diving and underwater exploration?
  73. How does the human brain store and retrieve memories?
  74. What was the Manhattan Project and what impact did it have on the world?
  75. How does stealth technology shield aircraft from radar?
  76. What causes tornadoes?
  77. Why did Martin Luther protest against the Catholic Church?
  78. How does a search engine work?
  79. What are the current capabilities and future goals of genetic engineers?
  80. How did the Roman Empire fall?
  81. What obstacles faced scientists in breaking the sound barrier?
  82. How did the black plague affect Europe?
  83. What happened to Amelia Earhart?
  84. What are the dangers and hazards of using nuclear power?
  85. How did Genghis Khan conquer Persia?
  86. What architectural marvels were found in Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec Empire?
  87. From where does spam email come and can we stop it?
  88. How does night vision work?
  89. How did journalists influence US war efforts in Vietnam?
  90. What are the benefits and hazards of medical marijuana?
  91. What causes desert mirages and how do they affect wanderers?
  92. What was the cultural significance of the first moon landing?
  93. What are sinkholes and how are they formed?
  94. Have any psychics ever solved crimes or prevented them from occurring?
  95. Who is Vlad the Impaler and what is his connection to Count Dracula?
  96. What are the risks of climate change and global warming?
  97. What treatments are available to people infected with HIV and are they effective?
  98. Who was a greater inventor, Leonardo di Vinci or Thomas Edison?
  99. How are the Chinese and American economies similar and different?
  100. Why was communism unsuccessful in so many countries?
  101. In what ways do video games affect children and teenagers?

I hope this list will help you choose a topic for your research paper.  Remember that these ideas should be used as a starting point; you will have to make these topics your own during the writing and research process.  Don’t be afraid to alter and revise your thesis or research question to better match your interests or to align with your research.  Would you like to suggest a research paper topic?  Leave it in the comments below.

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  1. Sriya

     /  November 25, 2015

    Hello Mr. Morton, I am currently writing about how societal pressures are affecting how children grow up. Can you think of any examples that would support my idea for my research paper? Thank you!

  2. ebrahim

     /  November 25, 2015

    hello, i need to summarise a reseach paper but i dont know which topic to choose any suggestions?

  3. girl

     /  November 20, 2015

    ronald reagan

  4. Hiran

     /  November 19, 2015

    Sir iam a bsc management student but iam interested in field of fiber optic communications can you pl give me a topic related to its applications or challenges ?

  5. Boy

     /  November 18, 2015

    Really great to see that you help all these people! What interesting topic question do you think of when you hear advertising? It’s for my final research paper in high school.

  6. jolie

     /  November 17, 2015

    I am preparing for GMAT and I want to strong my profile by publishing a paper. Could you please suggest me a good topic on which I can write a paper, which will be beneficial for me to building up my profile.
    Thank you.

  7. brooklynn

     /  November 16, 2015

    Hi i am a tag person at school i want to know what kind of topic should i studdy that isent to hard but. Good.

  8. lego

     /  November 16, 2015

    can you give me an example of a topic that is relatable to experimental research about physical science? thank you

  9. Adeneye ougbenga

     /  November 13, 2015

    Hello Mr Morton,I need your advise on topics on prefrontal cortex or dopamine or emotional and social growth of individuals in adolescences or adulthood. I am graduate of physiology but planning for my masters in Neuroscience

  10. Denice

     /  November 12, 2015

    Thank you for your much contribution.

  11. Ruth Ibrahim

     /  November 12, 2015

    I love this site it’s so educating..

  12. patience

     /  November 12, 2015

    hi am a final year student.can u please help me with a reseatch topic in accounting.

  13. fatima

     /  November 11, 2015

    Hello Mr. Morton Would you please help me with a title about importance of sleep and sleep disorders for my research paper?

  14. kusal

     /  November 11, 2015

    Help me with a research topic
    related to military ,related to welfare and redress of greivences by soldiers

  15. ronnax

     /  November 11, 2015

    hi, im doing the research on epilepsy , can you add for me some question to be asked?

  16. mariele dizon

     /  November 11, 2015

    good day! I am having trouble about my research paper. i would like to study about preservatives that cause cancer. its so hard too choose the kind of preservative to study. can you suggest any preservative that i can use for the study? thank you very much!

  17. fatou

     /  November 10, 2015

    Hi i am a bs student in senegal and i have decided to do my research project on improving the lives of children begging on the streets. What is your advice?

  18. ReHoo

     /  November 9, 2015

    hi, i am studying Bs nursing final year.. can you do me a favour. i want new and intresting topic for my BS level reasearc plz..

    • Hi. Perhaps research how an increase in prescriptions of drugs containing opioids since the 1990s have affected American society, medically and otherwise.

  19. Nasma

     /  November 8, 2015

    What about women rights in past and nowadays also in differnet countries as a good topic??

  20. Fariha

     /  November 8, 2015

    Hello I m a 4th year medical student please suggest me a topic to research in plastic surgery or dermatology

  21. Megan

     /  November 6, 2015

    Hi I am writing a research paper for an assignment and am struggling with a thesis.. I am thinking something along the lines of the focus on standardized testing in schools now and its negative effects. What are your thoughts?

  22. yasminnjaromay

     /  November 6, 2015

    hello Mr.Morton I am yasmin jaromay , i would like to request for your help about the title of our research paper all about global warming and its international ,national,local issues. please reply as soon as possible.thanks.

    • That seems like a very broad topic, but it is certainly an important one. I encourage you to get started and see which direction your research takes you. Best wishes!

  23. kusal

     /  November 5, 2015

    im a army officer waiting enter to enter defence services staff college in sri lanka army in january, what are the areas to do a research related to military

    • There are many interesting topics related to the military. Perhaps you could choose a historical topic, like a famous battle, or a modern one, like how drones are changing warfare. Best wishes!

  24. Peace

     /  November 4, 2015

    Hi, am an accounting student i want to do a research work that is related to my field, this is my first time of doing a research work, can you please choose a good topic for me? Or give me clues on how to get a topic.. Thanks.

  25. Anna

     /  November 4, 2015

    Thank you for the topics . But I am a student of English specialisation and this is my last year .could you please advise me with the topics involved with the English language studies.I shall be great full to you.

  26. myles

     /  November 3, 2015

    gud eve…kindly help me.. im looking for a sample research for my thesis seminar about education especially in gradeschool..thnk you so much

  27. Oluwafemi Nike

     /  November 1, 2015

    i am final year student,i am writing a project in the field of Librarianship. pls sir i need your assistance on topics to choose

  28. amine

     /  October 31, 2015

    I preciate this post from you, it’s very helpful.
    I just want an advice for something in this case..
    When it’s bether to place the (thesis statment), before starting the developpement part or until I finish it,before the conclusion?!

  29. leslie brizuela

     /  October 29, 2015

    Do you believe a topic like: What is peoples ideal American dream or immigration a great topic for a research paper?

  30. jhessielyn villarino

     /  October 29, 2015

    i need a topic for my research paper around the school can you pls give me an example

  31. Anne

     /  October 29, 2015

    I am in last year in education field and i need a topic related on learning science (LS).. Sir, is there any suggestions from you? Thank you so much..

  32. cj

     /  October 27, 2015

    Hi Mr. Morton. can you pls help me in starting a research project. i don’t have any idea on what topic im going to do.. btw im a highscool student and the final submission will be on the next two months. thank you! !

  33. nalishebo

     /  October 24, 2015

    Help me with a research topic
    related to environmental health,am thinking in the lines of community health or solid waste management,

    • There are lots of interesting topics related to environmental health. I’ve had a lot of fun reading and writing about invasive species. Maybe look into Asian carp or mongooses in Hawaii. Best wishes!

  34. Gordon

     /  October 22, 2015

    Hi Mr. Morton, am doing a paper on the social intolerance accorded towards uncircumcised males in public universities. Any help please?

    • That’s an interesting topic. I don’t see how it pertains to universities, but the topic itself is interesting. I say go with it. Again, I don’t see how you’re going to work in this “universities” outlier, but start by gathering and reading some research, then see where that takes you. You can always shift the specifics of your thesis to go where the research takes you, which is a good approach. Best wishes.

  35. Benson Karemera

     /  October 20, 2015

    Management and agriculture fields.

  36. PIKU

     /  October 18, 2015

    Hi ! this is PIKU . i am an undergraduate student and looking for some good research topi for my english assignment.This is my first time that i will be writing a research paper.Dont know all the steps and about what kinds of topic really deserved to be researched on..Could you please help me with that?

    • I always say, research something in which you are interested. The research process is all about writing and reading. Those activities are a lot more enjoyable when you are interested in what you are reading and writing about. Therefore, I suggest that you choose a topic that you want to read four or five books or articles about. That’ll get you started. Once you learn enough about your topic, writing and speaking about it will come naturally.

  37. Gloria Lwembe

     /  October 17, 2015

    Hi,am in my final year and finding difficulties to choose a research topic relating to land and water, which has not been researched on.

    • If I had to write a research paper relating to land and water, I’d write about the South China Sea. I think that area is very relevant to current world affairs.

  38. nassaka joan

     /  October 15, 2015

    I would like to help me have a research topic about records

  39. amanda

     /  October 15, 2015

    I would like to be guided on a research that am thinking of ,…level of awareness and knowledge of cervical screening among university female students

    • I have no authority on that topic with which I could assist you; however, I do know about research papers. Whatever you’re writing about, the key is to become educated about your topic. Learn by reading articles and other texts. Use source texts that work well for you. Once you become an expert on your topic, explaining it to someone else shouldn’t be so hard. Best wishes.

  40. Mngomezulu Thuli

     /  October 11, 2015

    Hi Mr Morton. I would like to research about the challenges faced by English second language learners when they write texts of various nature. Is this phrasing appropriate: “Challenges faced by English language learners as they engage in the writing of texts. This topic will be expanded by specifying where these learners are. Thank you for your anticipated response

  41. angelline

     /  October 11, 2015

    Looking for a research topic on leadership and governance.

  42. Aaliyah

     /  October 6, 2015

    Hello I am looking to write a research paper on quilting or sewing. Is there a topic you can suggest?

  43. Abishuel

     /  October 5, 2015

    Thanks a lot for the website, I am doing development studies in Uganda, and I request for any relevant research topic in the development studies in the contemporary developing nation in the case Uganda. Thanks a lot.

  44. Tasha

     /  September 29, 2015

    I am taking English Composition 2. I am working on an annotated bibliography. The topic I decided on is “Why do people smoke”. Does the research topic and research question go hand in hand. Also if you think this is a interesting topic, what would be a potential thesis statement for this topic.

    Thank You

    • To me, this seems like a topic that will produce scant research. I could be wrong however. I think that you would have greater success researching the longterm effects of smoking. But, I hope that you prove me wrong. Best wishes!

  45. Lai

     /  September 22, 2015

    Hi. My topic is the world is our campus. I am taking educational management. Any suggestion or idea about that topic?

  46. Aisha

     /  September 21, 2015

    How about a research topic in development studies

  47. Dennis Kutima

     /  September 18, 2015

    hi, please would you get me a relevant research question in banking and finance?

    • I lack the expertise to give you a good question, but I would be interested in researching specific actions that led to regulations in the industry. Have the regulations been effective?

  48. Ashley

     /  September 17, 2015

    Hi, I’m a student in maritime sector. I have to do a research topic for my English subject. It doesn’t necessarily need to relates with maritime, but need to be specific as time frame is only 12 weeks. Key words is that the problems to be solved in which it could be the environment or current problems preferred something that could relates with my institute itself. I do need your suggestion. Please feel free to reply me asap !

  49. Ashley

     /  September 17, 2015

    Hi, I’m a student in maritime sector . For my English subject, I need to do a research project in which way related to my institute . Doesn’t necessarily need to relates with maritime, it could be with the environment or current problems to be solved . It has to be specific as preferred by my lecturer as this is need to be done within 12 weeks. Please feel free to reply me asap !

  50. Jeremy

     /  September 15, 2015

    i want to write a dissertation on urbanization and criminality. Can you propose a searchable topic for me?

    • What exactly do you mean by “urbanization” and “criminality”? Perhaps you should start by explaining what those ideas mean to you.


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