Personification Worksheet 3
Figurative Language Activity
As Vince attempted to park in the crowded lot, his truck kissed the bumper of an Impala.
Which is being personified in the above text?
Vince's truck
The Impala
The parking lot
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
The crops begged for water but the drought continued long into the summer months.
Which is being personified in the above text?
The crops
The summer months
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
The moonlight shone on the still waters of the lake and the lonely pier rotted in the seaweed.
Which is being personified in the above text?
The seaweed
The pier
The moonlight
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
When Michael made a shot without hitting the rim, the net shushed his rivals.
Which is being personified in the above text?
The rim
The rivals
The net
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
Bobby couldn't keep his mind off chess; the game spoke to him night and day.
Which is being personified in the above text?
The game
The night
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
He pounded his fist against the cruel bricks of the cell and hopelessly tugged on the cold steel bars until he exhausted himself.
Which is being personified in the above text?
The bricks
His fist
The bars
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
It seemed like Bob was married to his job and that dealing with his wife, Alice, was just a tiresome chore.
Which is being personified in the above text?
A chore
Bob's job
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
All her life, Margaret wanted to be rich. She longed to know the comfort of having others serve her with a silver platter. When she grew up and got married, greed came knocking on the door of her new home. Margaret always wanted more, always looked elsewhere.
Which is being personified in the above text?
The door
A silver platter
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
Terry the bricklayer was as big as an ox. His arms were as large around as barrels of beer, and Terry was always in a good mood. Why wouldn't he be? Terry was a master of his craft and he lived in a time that needed bricklayers.
Which is being personified in the above text?
Beer barrels
Terry's arms
The time
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
The darkness taunted Veronica as she walked home late from soccer practice. She heard a dog barking and a flock of crows flew from a bramble of bushes. A man coughed in the distance. Her heart beat faster as she saw headlights in the far distance.
Which is being personified in the above text?
A flock of crows
The darkness
A bramble of bushes
Which human trait, quality, or ability is given?
Personification Worksheet 3
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