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Text Structure Worksheets

Text structures are ways that texts can be organized. Some common types include chronological order, cause and effect, and compare and contrast. Some paragraphs use multiple types of text structures. Some use no discernible structure. That's why I made these worksheets.

These worksheets feature paragraphs that are clearly organized using one of these patterns of organization. Students are required to identify how the text is structured. Then, to help them focus their critical thinking skills, they are to use information from each passage in a graphic organizer. This will help them make connections between text and visual representations of text.

Text Structure Worksheet 1
Read the passages. Identify the text structure. Write information from the passage into the appropriate graphic organizer. Graphic organizers are available at the top of the page. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 2
Here's a fun and interesting text structure worksheet about dinosaurs. Read the passages and put the information from each passage into an appropriate graphic organizer. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 2. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 3
Here's an interesting text structure worksheet about natural disasters. Students read the following passages and determine the text structure. Then, put information from the text into the appropriate graphic organizer. Remember to focus on the main idea of each paragraph. This one is 4 pages. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 3. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 4
Here's another fun text structure worksheet. This one themed around pizza. Students read each passage and determine the text structure. Then, they put information from the text into the appropriate graphic organizer. This one is four pages long. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 4. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 5
Here is a single-sided text structure worksheet. It is themed around tornados. Students read five passages and write information from each into graphic organizers on a separate sheet of paper. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 5. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 6
Here is another single-sided text structure worksheet. This one is about schools. Students read five passages and determine the pattern of organization in each. Then they write information from the passages into appropriate graphic organizer on the backside or a separate sheet of paper. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 6. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 7
In this text structure worksheet, students will read five nonfiction passages about the American War for Independence. They will determine the structure of each passage and create visual representations of the text. Each should include information from the passages. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 7. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 8
Here's another double-sided text structure worksheet. This one has six passages related to modern phones. It will help your students master text structure. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 8. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 9
Here's another interesting double-sided text structure worksheet. This one is about cats. It has six nonfiction passages to give students practice with identifying text structure. Identify the pattern of organization and create graphic organizers to visualize the text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 9. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 10
Get ready for some explosive fun with text structure! This worksheet features eleven nonfiction passages about fireworks. Students read the passages, identify the text structure, and represent the text using graphic organizers. Kaboom! Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 10. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 11
Beep, boop, beep! This worksheet has ten text structure passages about computers. Students read the passages, identify the text structure, and represent the information using the appropriate graphic organizer. This worksheet will require students to perform many literary computations. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 11. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 12
If the shoe were on the other foot, I’d love to complete this text structure worksheet about shoes. It has six passages to help your students practice and review their text structure skills. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 12. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Worksheet 13
Here is another fun text structure worksheet. This one’s about dogs, so it could get a little ruff. Ha ha. Just joking. The language in this worksheet is a little less complex so younger students can find success with this one too. Students read passages, identify text structures, and use the text in graphic organizers. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Worksheet 13. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Lesson 1
Here is a PowerPoint slide show about text structure. It covers many patterns of organization including cause and effect, sequence, chronological, problem and solution, and compare and contrast. It also includes a ten question practice activity after the lesson. Check it out!
This is a preview image of Text Structure Lesson 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Lesson 2
Here is another PowerPoint slide show about text structure. It is a revision of my other text structure lesson. If I were trying to choose between the two text structure lessons, I’d go with this one. It’s an improvement over the previous lesson. This lesson features animated graphic organizers and a practice assessment at the end.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Lesson 2. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 1
Are you teaching main idea? Are you reviewing text structure? Want to do both at the same time? Check out this reading worksheet. It features six nonfiction passages where students identify the main idea, represent the text structure, and come up with an appropriate title. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11.
This is a preview image of Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 2
Aren’t robots great? Won’t it going to be great when they take over the world? Here’s another text structure worksheet. This time it is themed around robots. This worksheet features six more nonfiction passages where students identify and represent main ideas and text structure. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10.
This is a preview image of Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 2. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 3
Do your students keep forgetting their text structure lessons? Here’s another single-sided text structure worksheet with six nonfiction passages. This worksheet is themed around amnesia and memory loss. Students determine the main idea and text structure of each passage and then come up with an appropriate title. They also create graphic organizers that visually represent information from each paragraph. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11.
This is a preview image of Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 3. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 4
Want to drive your students nuts? Give them this main idea and text structure worksheet about cars. Ha ha. That’s just a joke. We all know who’s driving whom where. This automotive-themed worksheet will give your students more practice with main idea and text structure. Students read each passage, come up with an appropriate title, put the main idea into their own words, and identify the text structure. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9.
This is a preview image of Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 4. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 5
Here are five exciting passages about cotton candy. Students read each passage, explain the main idea, create a graphic organizer representing the information in the text, and come up with a title representing the main idea of the passage. I hope your students enjoy this sweet activity. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9.
This is a preview image of Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 5. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 6
This worksheet contains five nonfiction passages themed around bicycles. Students will almost feel like they are out riding a bike instead of doing school work, except that they will be doing school work. This is great practice for standardized tests. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 6-10.
This is a preview image of Main Idea and Text Structure Worksheet 6. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Main Idea & Text Structure Valentine's Day Worksheet
Your students will LOVE working through these six passages, expressing the main idea of each, titling them, and visually representing the text using graphic organizers. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11.
This is a preview image of Main Idea & Text Structure Valentine's Day Worksheet. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Text Structure Booklet
Here is a constructive and fun text structure project. Students create booklets where each page defines a pattern of organization and includes an original example. Students may work alone or they may partner up, in which case they must draw a picture for each definition. Feel free to modify the project sheet to require all students to draw a picture. This student-centered text structure project will give students practice with writing an synthesizing their knowledge.
This is a preview image of Text Structure Booklet. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

Thanks for checking out my resources on text structure! You may also want to check out my text structure activities, which includes lessons, tests, and projects. I hope that you found what you were looking for. Best wishes!

Text Structure
Common Core State Standards

Text Structure Anchor Standard
R.5 - Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.

RI.4.5 - Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
RI.5.5 - Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.
RI.6.5 - Analyze how a particular sentence, paragraph, chapter, or section fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the ideas.
RI.7.5 - Analyze the structure an author uses to organize a text, including how the major sections contribute to the whole and to the development of the ideas.By the end of year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts, in the grades 4–5 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
RI.8.5 - Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences in developing and refining a key concept.
RI.11-12.5 - Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the structure an author uses in his or her exposition or argument, including whether the structure makes points clear, convincing, and engaging.
Click to VIEW Grade Level Standards for R.5
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  1. Joan Estacio

     /  March 31, 2017

    Hi! I find the worksheets very useful. Just wondering if you will allow some of these to be used in a textbook I’m writing…. Hope to hear from you, Mr Morton.

  2. Jennifer Cole

     /  March 15, 2017

    Thank you for these worksheets. They are very useful.

  3. Jennifer Cole

     /  March 15, 2017

    Thank you very much for these worksheet. They are what I was looking for when I stumbled on to this site.

  4. mik

     /  March 6, 2017

    these worksheets are very useful. Can I use them as worksheets for my study and students? Rest assured that I’ll properly cite the source..

  5. Funtime Foxy

     /  February 22, 2017

    Thanks for this worksheet. I hope that i can pass the assement. <3 thx

  6. Nancy Donnelly

     /  January 25, 2017

    A really marvellous site. Thanks so much.

  7. Kelly

     /  December 4, 2016

    Mr. Morton do you have a key for a worksheet titled “Text Structure Worksheet 2 Blizzard Bag”? Downloaded from another site but looks exactly like your formatting.
    Here is link:

  8. nilea

     /  August 11, 2016

    Thank you so much! The materials are higly relevant to what i’ve been searching for.

  9. Kirstin

     /  February 4, 2016

    Thank you! Your practice worksheets are amazing! I am a bit of a control freak, and don’t usually trust/use work from other sources, but I trust yours. You have saved me on several occasions.

  10. anita

     /  December 6, 2015

    thank you soooooo much. I have used ur site for my students and shared it with my coworkers for enhanced learners. it saves me a lot of work based on the ccs.

  11. Amr Aref

     /  December 4, 2015

    U have the best worksheets

  12. ESanch

     /  December 1, 2015

    Thank You Thank You Thank You for this life saving website!!!

  13. pilgrim

     /  November 18, 2015

    Thank so much for kindly offering these worksheets for us to use – they are ace for a new teacher – much appreciated.

  14. Mrs. Lara

     /  September 24, 2015

    I love it. Thank you so much!!!!

  15. Maria

     /  May 27, 2015

    Thank you for the extra hints. They will allow me to help my students better.

  16. Sharon Adams

     /  April 17, 2015

    This is the best website! Oh my goodness! I SO wish I had seen this at the beginning of the year! Thank You, thank you!

  17. Natalie Sanchez

     /  April 10, 2015

    This is a good app

  18. Rosetta

     /  February 22, 2015

    There are very invaluable resources and are instrumental to improving reading comprehension to my second grade Gifted and Talented students. Thank you so much for the varied resources!

  19. Clarita Kornegay

     /  January 8, 2015

    I am so glad I came across this website. The activites and the PPT are rigorous, concise, and straight-forward. I often struggled with coming up with activites that were rigorous enough for my students, but also not as confusing. This website has really helped me out and built my confidence even more as an educator. Thank you!

  20. Ms. Veenah

     /  November 17, 2014

    I love this worksheet, I do really love it. Text Structure is really important to me, why? Because it helps me through my education, so i thank to this person who created this site.

    Thank you so much.

  21. Teri

     /  September 12, 2014

    Love your worksheets on text structures!!

  22. Jeff

     /  September 12, 2014

    Thank you so much for these great passages and worksheets. It’s wonderful that you share these with everyone! Me and my students are very thankful for the help that you’ve provided!! Cheers!!

  23. Brenda

     /  September 9, 2014

    Thank you so very much. Great work!

  24. Lora Hampton

     /  March 21, 2014

    Thank you so much for your website! I am a fifth grade teacher and am SO thankful that I came across this. It has helped my kids to have short relevent practice!

  25. Okey

     /  January 31, 2014

    The Best site ever!!!!!!!!. I use your materials daily in my class.

  26. Ashley

     /  August 18, 2013

    Also, all answer keys are so helpful!

  27. Ashley

     /  August 18, 2013

    I am a first-year teacher, and I start teaching tomorrow. Your website is a huge blessing to me… I am so thankful! I am using several of your handouts! You are awesome!

  28. Michele

     /  May 1, 2013

    I recently discovered your website and I have been using your worksheets non-stop! I told my department head about this website and now everyone in my English department are using these amazing worksheets! Thank you!

    • Thank you for spreading the word. Best wishes and look forward to much more content being added this summer.

  29. Ruth

     /  March 12, 2013

    This has been so helpful. I am so excited to begin using this as a warm up in my classes at the beginning of each day. Thanks.

  30. Kamala Schuster

     /  February 21, 2013

    Thank you!

  31. Kamala Schuster

     /  February 19, 2013

    I have been looking for your answers to the Valentine’s Day Main Idea and Text Structure Review worksheet, and I can’t find it anywhere. I want to make sure that we both came up with the same answers. If you could somehow link to the answers on this site, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

  32. denise

     /  February 7, 2013

    love the worksheets–they are perfect for mini-lessons on a variety of skills 🙂 THANKS

  33. Elizabeth

     /  January 23, 2013

    Mr. Morton, I thank you very much for the materials you have posted on your site. You are a Godsend to my class. My students need constant practice and your worksheets have been a great resource in that regard. In addition to providing practice for identifying structures, the worksheets are excellent stimuli for discussion and exploration of ideas with which my students need to be familiar.

  34. Amber

     /  November 19, 2012

    I am thoroughly impressed with you, your materials and your website! Thank you so very much for allowing your fellow educators free access to your absolutely amazing worksheets, presentations, games, etc. Not only do we benefit, but so do our students. 🙂

    You are an exemplary educator and I sincerely hope you are recognized as such!

  35. Kelly

     /  November 13, 2012

    Where do we find the answers to the worksheets at?

  36. Karole

     /  November 8, 2012


  37. kim mills

     /  November 8, 2012

    got it!!!

  38. kim mills

     /  November 8, 2012

    doesn’t work

  39. kim mills

     /  November 7, 2012

    I love this. I am having trouble getting the eworksheets to open all the way to see it all. the window is small, and the right side is cut off. any sugestions?

  40. These are absolutely awesome resources that I can use to provide my students with sound practice of the standards-based learning and skills they are expected to know. THANK YOU!!

  41. Great ideas to implement in the classroom.

  42. Wow. This site, and your generosity in sharing, has not only helped my students, but has allowed me to spend more time with my family and less time lesson planning. Thank you sincerely.

  43. Ian Lee

     /  May 6, 2012

    I can only agree with the comments already here. Many thanks for creating and sharing these documents. They are clean and simple to use, and they have saved me a lot of time so I can focus on presenting and expanding on the ideas.

  44. Mariyam

     /  April 23, 2012

    Thank you for these worksheets. I was looking for something simple on text structure and stumbled upon this site and i thought wow! May I use some of this material for my students? I someone wanted to contribute something, how can it be done?
    Thanks again.

    • This material is all freely available to be modified or used “as-is” for all non-commercial purposes. If you had original material that you’d like to contribute, email me: mortonteaches@gmail.com. Thanks for visiting!

  45. I needed this activities for my student! I needed rigor and I found it ! Thanks

  46. Lori

     /  March 7, 2012

    Thank you for creating a great site. The worksheets I found here were exactly what I was seeking!

  47. Michele

     /  March 7, 2012

    Thank you so much! As a reading teacher, I am continuously looking for other ways to teach structure of text! Your worksheets and ideas are FAB!!

  48. Eric

     /  March 3, 2012

    Love the site and thanks for saving me a bunch of time. I appreciate it!!

  49. Christina

     /  February 23, 2012

    Thank you so much for providing this website!! These activities are just the things I am looking for in WELL WRITTEN and RIGOROUS worksheets!!

  50. Amy

     /  February 15, 2012

    Thank you so much for sharing!! This site is wonderful! I am so glad I stumbled on it – the worksheets and activities are just what I was looking for! This is a huge help.


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