Text structures are ways that texts can be organized. Some common types include chronological order, cause and effect, and compare and contrast. Some paragraphs use multiple types of text structures. Some use no discernible structure. That's why I made these worksheets.
These worksheets feature paragraphs that are clearly organized using one of these patterns of organization. Students are required to identify how the text is structured. Then, to help them focus their critical thinking skills, they are to use information from each passage in a graphic organizer. This will help them make connections between text and visual representations of text.
Thanks for checking out my resources on text structure! You may also want to check out my text structure activities, which includes lessons, tests, and projects. I hope that you found what you were looking for. Best wishes!
Joan Estacio
/ March 31, 2017Hi! I find the worksheets very useful. Just wondering if you will allow some of these to be used in a textbook I’m writing…. Hope to hear from you, Mr Morton.
Mr. Morton
/ October 18, 2017Let’s talk. Email me here.
Jennifer Cole
/ March 15, 2017Thank you for these worksheets. They are very useful.
Jennifer Cole
/ March 15, 2017Thank you very much for these worksheet. They are what I was looking for when I stumbled on to this site.
/ March 6, 2017these worksheets are very useful. Can I use them as worksheets for my study and students? Rest assured that I’ll properly cite the source..
Mr. Morton
/ March 13, 2017Of course. That’s why I posted them. No citations necessary for home or classroom use.
Funtime Foxy
/ February 22, 2017Thanks for this worksheet. I hope that i can pass the assement. <3 thx
Nancy Donnelly
/ January 25, 2017A really marvellous site. Thanks so much.
/ December 4, 2016Mr. Morton do you have a key for a worksheet titled “Text Structure Worksheet 2 Blizzard Bag”? Downloaded from another site but looks exactly like your formatting.
Here is link:
Mr. Morton
/ December 6, 2016I call that activity “Text Structure Worksheet 10” and you can find it on this page: http://www.ereadingworksheets.com/text-structure/text-structure-worksheets/
/ August 11, 2016Thank you so much! The materials are higly relevant to what i’ve been searching for.
/ February 4, 2016Thank you! Your practice worksheets are amazing! I am a bit of a control freak, and don’t usually trust/use work from other sources, but I trust yours. You have saved me on several occasions.
Mr. Morton
/ February 9, 2016That means a lot to me. I’ll try to honor your trust.
/ December 6, 2015thank you soooooo much. I have used ur site for my students and shared it with my coworkers for enhanced learners. it saves me a lot of work based on the ccs.
Mr. Morton
/ December 11, 2015I’m so happy to hear it.
Amr Aref
/ December 4, 2015U have the best worksheets
/ December 1, 2015Thank You Thank You Thank You for this life saving website!!!
/ November 18, 2015Thank so much for kindly offering these worksheets for us to use – they are ace for a new teacher – much appreciated.
Mrs. Lara
/ September 24, 2015I love it. Thank you so much!!!!
/ May 27, 2015Thank you for the extra hints. They will allow me to help my students better.
Sharon Adams
/ April 17, 2015This is the best website! Oh my goodness! I SO wish I had seen this at the beginning of the year! Thank You, thank you!
Mr. Morton
/ April 27, 2015Hey, there’s always next year. Thanks for visiting!
Natalie Sanchez
/ April 10, 2015This is a good app
/ February 22, 2015There are very invaluable resources and are instrumental to improving reading comprehension to my second grade Gifted and Talented students. Thank you so much for the varied resources!
Clarita Kornegay
/ January 8, 2015I am so glad I came across this website. The activites and the PPT are rigorous, concise, and straight-forward. I often struggled with coming up with activites that were rigorous enough for my students, but also not as confusing. This website has really helped me out and built my confidence even more as an educator. Thank you!
Ms. Veenah
/ November 17, 2014I love this worksheet, I do really love it. Text Structure is really important to me, why? Because it helps me through my education, so i thank to this person who created this site.
Thank you so much.
/ September 12, 2014Love your worksheets on text structures!!
Mr. Morton
/ September 18, 2014Thank you. Check out some of the other stuff if you get the chance!
/ September 12, 2014Thank you so much for these great passages and worksheets. It’s wonderful that you share these with everyone! Me and my students are very thankful for the help that you’ve provided!! Cheers!!
Mr. Morton
/ September 25, 2014I’m so happy to hear it. Thank you for taking the time to comment.
/ September 9, 2014Thank you so very much. Great work!
Lora Hampton
/ March 21, 2014Thank you so much for your website! I am a fifth grade teacher and am SO thankful that I came across this. It has helped my kids to have short relevent practice!
Mr. Morton
/ April 21, 2014I’m happy to hear it.
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
/ January 31, 2014The Best site ever!!!!!!!!. I use your materials daily in my class.
/ August 18, 2013Also, all answer keys are so helpful!
/ August 18, 2013I am a first-year teacher, and I start teaching tomorrow. Your website is a huge blessing to me… I am so thankful! I am using several of your handouts! You are awesome!
/ May 1, 2013I recently discovered your website and I have been using your worksheets non-stop! I told my department head about this website and now everyone in my English department are using these amazing worksheets! Thank you!
Mr. Morton
/ May 1, 2013Thank you for spreading the word. Best wishes and look forward to much more content being added this summer.
/ March 12, 2013This has been so helpful. I am so excited to begin using this as a warm up in my classes at the beginning of each day. Thanks.
Kamala Schuster
/ February 21, 2013Thank you!
Kamala Schuster
/ February 19, 2013I have been looking for your answers to the Valentine’s Day Main Idea and Text Structure Review worksheet, and I can’t find it anywhere. I want to make sure that we both came up with the same answers. If you could somehow link to the answers on this site, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
Mr. Morton
/ February 21, 2013Hello.
I have added the answers.
/ February 7, 2013love the worksheets–they are perfect for mini-lessons on a variety of skills 🙂 THANKS
/ January 23, 2013Mr. Morton, I thank you very much for the materials you have posted on your site. You are a Godsend to my class. My students need constant practice and your worksheets have been a great resource in that regard. In addition to providing practice for identifying structures, the worksheets are excellent stimuli for discussion and exploration of ideas with which my students need to be familiar.
Mr. Morton
/ February 3, 2013Thank you.
/ November 19, 2012I am thoroughly impressed with you, your materials and your website! Thank you so very much for allowing your fellow educators free access to your absolutely amazing worksheets, presentations, games, etc. Not only do we benefit, but so do our students. 🙂
You are an exemplary educator and I sincerely hope you are recognized as such!
Mr. Morton
/ January 5, 2013That’s kind of you to say.
/ November 13, 2012Where do we find the answers to the worksheets at?
Mr. Morton
/ December 2, 2012Click the links that say “View Answers”.
kim mills
/ November 8, 2012got it!!!
kim mills
/ November 8, 2012doesn’t work
kim mills
/ November 7, 2012I love this. I am having trouble getting the eworksheets to open all the way to see it all. the window is small, and the right side is cut off. any sugestions?
Mr. Morton
/ November 7, 2012Yup, your zoomed in too far. Hit ctrl and ++ or ctrl and — to zoom in and out.
/ October 7, 2012These are absolutely awesome resources that I can use to provide my students with sound practice of the standards-based learning and skills they are expected to know. THANK YOU!!
/ September 22, 2012Great ideas to implement in the classroom.
/ September 14, 2012Wow. This site, and your generosity in sharing, has not only helped my students, but has allowed me to spend more time with my family and less time lesson planning. Thank you sincerely.
Mr. Morton
/ September 27, 2012I’m so pleased to hear it. Family is the most important thing.
Ian Lee
/ May 6, 2012I can only agree with the comments already here. Many thanks for creating and sharing these documents. They are clean and simple to use, and they have saved me a lot of time so I can focus on presenting and expanding on the ideas.
Mr. Morton
/ May 22, 2012Thank you kindly for taking the time to say so.
/ April 23, 2012Thank you for these worksheets. I was looking for something simple on text structure and stumbled upon this site and i thought wow! May I use some of this material for my students? I someone wanted to contribute something, how can it be done?
Thanks again.
Mr. Morton
/ May 3, 2012This material is all freely available to be modified or used “as-is” for all non-commercial purposes. If you had original material that you’d like to contribute, email me: mortonteaches@gmail.com. Thanks for visiting!
Sharon White
/ March 14, 2012I needed this activities for my student! I needed rigor and I found it ! Thanks
/ March 7, 2012Thank you for creating a great site. The worksheets I found here were exactly what I was seeking!
/ March 7, 2012Thank you so much! As a reading teacher, I am continuously looking for other ways to teach structure of text! Your worksheets and ideas are FAB!!
/ March 3, 2012Love the site and thanks for saving me a bunch of time. I appreciate it!!
/ February 23, 2012Thank you so much for providing this website!! These activities are just the things I am looking for in WELL WRITTEN and RIGOROUS worksheets!!
/ February 15, 2012Thank you so much for sharing!! This site is wonderful! I am so glad I stumbled on it – the worksheets and activities are just what I was looking for! This is a huge help.
Mr. Morton
/ February 23, 2012I’m so happy to hear it.