Setting Practice 1

Reading Quiz

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Setting Practice 1
Alex shut the lid to his laptop with a loud clap. Some of the people sitting at the tables near him looked up from their books and gave him annoyed looks. Alex realized that he had disturbed them and held up his hand apologetically. The librarian turned toward him and shushed him loudly, perhaps louder than the noise that he had made. Alex put the laptop in his bag and began walking toward the door. He held his head down low.
WHERE is this story taking place?
an office
a cafeteria
a library
a coffee shop
How do you know this is WHERE the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
Alex shut the lid to his laptop with a loud clap. Some of the people sitting at the tables near him looked up from their books and gave him annoyed looks. Alex realized that he had disturbed them and held up his hand apologetically. The librarian turned toward him and shushed him loudly, perhaps louder than the noise that he had made. Alex put the laptop in his bag and began walking toward the door. He held his head down low.
WHEN is this story most likely taking place?
Some time during the decade of 2000-2010
Some time during the decade of 2100-2110
Some time during the decade of 1770-1780
Some time during the decade of 1900-1910
Why do you believe this is WHEN the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
Vance Powers grabbed the control stick. Until now he had been a prisoner on this spaceship, but even the captain knew that Vance was the only one who could navigate through an asteroid belt. "Quick! Take these laser cuffs off!" The captain and the guard looked at one another hesitantly. Boom! The ship skidded off a large asteroid. "Now! Take the cuffs off! There's no time!" Vance shouted. The captain gave the guard a slight nod. The guard waved the magnetic key over the laser cuffs on Vance's wrists. The cuffs powered down and fell off of Vance's wrists...
WHERE is this story taking place?
a jail house
a spaceship
a battlefield
a sail boat
How do you know this is WHERE the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
Vance Powers grabbed the control stick. Until now he had been a prisoner on this spaceship, but even the captain knew that Vance was the only one who could navigate through an asteroid belt. "Quick! Take these laser cuffs off!" The captain and the guard looked at one another hesitantly. Boom! The ship skidded off a large asteroid. "Now! Take the cuffs off! There's no time!" Vance shouted. The captain gave the guard a slight nod. The guard waved the magnetic key over the laser cuffs on Vance's wrists. The cuffs powered down and fell off of Vance's wrists...
WHEN is this story most likely taking place?
The year 1984
The year 2751
The year 2025
The year 1812
Why do you believe this is WHEN the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
Sir Anders frowned at his squire, Toby, who was eager to please Sir Anders but didn't know how. "Well, Toby, do you want me to put the saddle on myself?" A bolt of realization struck Toby. He began apologizing, "Why of course not, Sir Anders. What was I thinking?" Toby awkwardly tried to get the saddle on Sir Ander's white stallion. "Let me just grabbed the belt here and uh... Ah!" Sir Ander's horse turned and knocked Toby into a pile of hay. Sir Anders could not help but to crack a slight smile at this scene. "He knows that you're scared, Toby. Help me remove my armor, and I'll show you how it's done."
WHERE is this story taking place?
A marketplace
A stable
A church house
The court room of a castle
How do you know this is WHERE the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
Sir Anders frowned at his squire, Toby, who was eager to please Sir Anders but didn't know how. "Well, Toby, do you want me to put the saddle on myself?" A bolt of realization struck Toby. He began apologizing, "Why of course not, Sir Anders. What was I thinking?" Toby awkwardly tried to get the saddle on Sir Ander's white stallion. "Let me just grabbed the belt here and uh... Ah!" Sir Ander's horse turned and knocked Toby into a pile of hay. Sir Anders could not help but to crack a slight smile at this scene. "He knows that you're scared, Toby. Help me remove my armor, and I'll show you how it's done."
WHEN is this story most likely taking place?
The century of 1100-1199
The century of 2500-2599.
The century of 1900-1999
The century of 1800-1899 BC
Why do you believe this is WHEN the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
They stopped at a small brook. The woman who was leading the party whispered, "Ok, if anybody's thirsty, this be a good time to drink. We keep moving from here to the next station." This wind blew through the thick trees. A young boy in the back of the party looked up at an older man and asked, "Is we really gonna be free?" The old man sighed, as if he could not believe it himself. "You see that star up dere? Dat's the North Star. We keep following that, and Miss Tubman up dere," he said gesturing to the woman leading the party. He continued, "We'll be free alright." The boy smiled.
WHERE is this story taking place?
On a boat
In a city
On a farm
In the wilderness
How do you know this is WHERE the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
They stopped at a small brook. The woman who was leading the party whispered, "Ok, if anybody's thirsty, this be a good time to drink. We keep moving from here to the next station." This wind blew through the thick trees. A young boy in the back of the party looked up at an older man and asked, "Is we really gonna be free?" The old man sighed, as if he could not believe it himself. "You see that star up dere? Dat's the North Star. We keep following that, and Miss Tubman up dere," he said gesturing to the woman leading the party. He continued, "We'll be free alright." The boy smiled.
WHEN is this story most likely taking place?
The decade from 1960-1970
The decade from 2010-2020
The decade from 1850-1860
The decade from 1250-1260
Why do you believe this is WHEN the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
"I want Sugar Loops!" Tommy screamed at his mother. She shook her head in distress and then responded, "Look, Tommy. That's not how you ask for anything, and we've already gone over this. You can have Bran Flakes or Dry Os. No Sugar Loops." Tommy shook his head back and forth violently. He laid down on floor and started kicking his feet and screaming. Mom grabbed her phone out of her purse. "Tommy, if you stop this tantrum and get back in the cart, I'll let you watch Tatakai Fighting Warriors on my phone." Tommy looked up excitedly and began gathering himself off of the floor. Mom tossed the Dry Os into the cart.
WHERE is this story taking place?
a grocery store
a classroom
a trampoline park
a bedroom
How do you know this is WHERE the story is taking place?
Setting Practice 1
"I want Sugar Loops!" Tommy screamed at his mother. She shook her head in distress and then responded, "Look, Tommy. That's not how you ask for anything, and we've already gone over this. You can have Bran Flakes or Dry Os. No Sugar Loops." Tommy shook his head back and forth violently. He laid down on floor and started kicking his feet and screaming. Mom grabbed her phone out of her purse. "Tommy, if you stop this tantrum and get back in the cart, I'll let you watch Tatakai Fighting Warriors on my phone." Tommy looked up excitedly and began gathering himself off of the floor. Mom tossed the Dry Os into the cart.
WHEN is this story most likely taking place?
The decade from 2010-2019
The decade from 1990-1999
The decade from 1310-1319
The decade from 1970-1980
Why do you believe this is WHEN the story is taking place?


Setting Practice 1

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