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Preposition Worksheets and Activities

Prepositions are words that express locations in time and space. They indicate relationships between nouns and other words. Learning prepositions is cornerstone to understanding the English language. Since prepositions are used quite frequently, it is worth taking the time to learn them.

It's often said that one shouldn't end one's sentences with a preposition. Most grammarians now agree that this is NOT a rule but a signal. There is nothing wrong with ending a clause or sentence with a preposition, but it's often an indication that the preposition is redundant or unnecessary. For example: Where did you go to school at?

This is grammatically incorrect, not because it ends with a preposition, but because the preposition is redundant. The example sentence should just say, Where did you go to school? The preposition at adds nothing to the sentence. It is unnecessary and should be removed. So while there is nothing wrong with ending a sentence with a preposition, it is often a signal that your preposition is redundant. Try to avoid constructing sentences with redundant prepositions.

Here are some preposition worksheets and activities that I've developed over the years. I hope that these resources help you achieve your goals.

Interesting Classroom Activities with Prepositions

Here are a couple of interesting ways to teach prepositions:

  1. Practice Use: Hold a book above a desk. Ask students where the book is. Hold the book below the desk. Ask students to describe where the book is in relation to the desk. Move the book on the side of the desk, behind the desk, and in front of the desk, asking students to describe the location of the book in relation to the desk. Make the connection that prepositions are words that show location. Do a similar activity with their class period in relation to their lunch period to show how prepositions express time relations as well.

  2. The Poser Game: Have one student leave the room. Have another student volunteer get up and hold a crazy pose, like a statue. Students should use prepositions to describe, with as much detail as possible, how the student is positioned. Then, the student on the outside is invited back into the classroom. Students try to have the new arrival replicate the pose of the former based on their descriptions.

Preposition Worksheets

Preposition Worksheet | With the Police
This worksheet has 30 multiple-choice questions. In the first part, students read sentences and identify prepositions. In the second part, students determine which preposition in each sentence is redundant. This worksheet is themed around a fictional police force and dastardly cat burglar to make it more engaging for students.
This is a preview image of Preposition Worksheet | With the Police. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Prepositions Worksheet | Secret Mission
This is a fun preposition worksheet. In this one students read each sentence, identify at least two prepositions, and underline them. The sentences in this worksheet tell a ridiculous spy story, which makes it more engaging for students.
This is a preview image of Prepositions Worksheet | Secret Mission. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Prepositional Phrases Worksheet | With Monster Trucks
This 4-page worksheet has 30 multiple-choice questions covering prepositional phrases. Students read sentences and identify the complete prepositional phrases based on their answer choices. This worksheet is themed around a fictional league of monster trucks to make it fun and engaging.
This is a preview image of Prepositional Phrases Worksheet | With Monster Trucks. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Prepositions Test | With Cave People
This three-page prepositions test has 23 multiple-choice questions. In the first part of the test, students must identify prepositions as they are used in example sentences. In the second part, students must identify complete prepositional phrases. This test is themed around cave people to make it fun and interesting for students.
This is a preview image of Prepositions Test | With Cave People. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

Online Preposition Activities

Parts of Speech App
Check out this fun online application that gives students practice will all the parts of speech. There is a section of prepositions. Students progress is tracked within the application and score results can be sent in a variety of ways.
This is a preview image of Parts of Speech App. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

Prepositions Lessons

Prepositions Lesson - Here is an animated PowerPoint slideshow covering prepositions. It provides definitions, examples, and practice problems. There are two versions of this presentation: one with sounds and one without. The one with sounds has voice actors reading the examples. Some students may find this distracting, however, so I have also included a version of this lesson without sounds. Would you like to see how I present this lesson? Click on the YouTube video posted after the links to the lesson. Prepositions Lesson - With Sounds | PPTX
Prepositions Lesson - Without Sounds | PPTX


Prepositional Phrases Lesson - Prepositional phrases connect prepositions and their objects. This PowerPoint slideshow will help students understand, identify, and better use prepositional phrases. It includes definitions, examples, and practice problems. I've included the files with and without sound effects. I've also embedded a video of this lesson below. Prepositional Phrases Lesson - With Sounds | PPTX
Prepositional Phrases Lesson - Without Sounds | PPTX


Prepositions Lesson 2- Here is an older slideshow lesson that also explains prepositions. It provides a list of common prepositions and includes a practice activity where students identify prepositions in sentences. Prepositions Lesson PPT

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  1. Glendara Adams

     /  November 3, 2024

    I need to know the answers to my question on how to do part of speech worksheet.its on preposition

  2. Cindy Wilson

     /  March 10, 2021

    The worksheets are not compatible. There seems to be a glitch.

  3. ali

     /  March 7, 2017

    nice videos and nice examples

  4. Zaviyan Tharwani

     /  December 7, 2016

    Thank you very much for the wonderful site, really helped me.

  5. kenji

     /  November 29, 2016

    what is difference between
    who works in the office?
    who does work in the office?

    thanks anyway

    • In the first sentence, the predicate is “works.” In the second sentence, the predicate is “does” and “work” is an object. It is a thing that an unknown individual does. Both sentences express the same idea. More native speakers of English would probably use the first sentence.

  6. Leah

     /  October 1, 2016

    Your Preposition Worksheet 2 directions say that each sentence will at least 2 prepositions. The answer key says that two of the sentences have only one preposition. Which is the error?

    • I see why that was confusing.
      Thank you for reporting this.

      I updated the worksheet sometime ago and forgot about
      the 2 prepositions per sentence rule that I had established.

      I have fixed the sentences that did not have 2 prepositions,
      and some of the other awkwardly phrased sentences.

      Thanks for helping to make the site a better place,


  7. Dr. Clifton Drawdy

     /  August 24, 2016

    One should never end a sentence with a preposition because all prepositions must have an object. Please quit dumbing down grammar.

  8. Liv

     /  July 19, 2016

    thank you this has helped me so much but hasn’t given me the answer yet i will keep on reading and try to figure it out thanks. Xx

  9. Karen

     /  April 13, 2016

    In reference to the previous comment and your reply back on Sept. 3, 2015, I’d be interested in knowing whether the corrections were made to the worksheets. Please provide an update on the status of what is currently online as of April 13, 2016. Thank you.

  10. Karen

     /  April 12, 2016

    As of April 12, 2016, were the corrections made the worksheets on prepositional phrases?

  11. Heather Baker

     /  February 28, 2016

    Thank you for sharing your awesome worksheets, lessons, and ideas with the teaching community! Your website is a blessing!

  12. Natasha Aiken

     /  January 15, 2016

    Thank you for providing worksheets for free. You save me so much time!!!!

  13. Jyoti

     /  December 5, 2015

    I find this site really nice.. easy exercise for all the learners of various level. thanks
    Keep updating it.

  14. Emily Thornton

     /  October 23, 2015

    I really like this site. It has help my students figure out different language methods. I appreciate it!

    • I’m going to add some new resources to this page in the next couple of months. Thank you for appreciating what I currently have too. Best wishes.

  15. christy peterson

     /  September 3, 2015

    I think some of the words you marked as prepositions on your worksheet are actually subordinating conjunctions.(dependent clauses)

    • You’re right. I’ve been meaning to update these errors a while ago and still haven’t found time. I hope to get to it in the next month when I overhaul this section of the site and add a bunch of new content. Thank you for pointing this out. Best wishes!


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