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Inferences Worksheets

Making inferences is a skill with which students often need much practice. If you've looked for resources in the same places that I have, you probably haven't been too happy with what you found. I believe that the inference worksheets that I've created are of a higher quality than the other available resources and, as usual, I'm giving them away for free. I hope that you'll appreciate these inference worksheets and that your students may better this valuable reading skills.

How These Worksheets Work
Students are asked to do two things: answer questions that require making logical inferences and explain how they got their answers. Having students explain their answers helps to slow them down. It makes them think about what they are doing. Also, open-ended questions make it easier for the teacher to identify when students are copying.

I recommend that teachers assign the online versions of these activities. Students get instant feedback, have the opportunity to improve, and are still required to answer the open-ended questions. Feel free to leave a comment if you have a question or need further clarification about any of these worksheets.

Inferences Worksheet 1
Looking for a worksheet on making inferences? Check this out. Students read the short passages and then answer the inferential questions. Then they explain their answers by referencing details from the text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 2
Here is another worksheet on making inferences. Students read the passages and answer inferential questions. Then they support their answers with evidence from the text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 2. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 3
Here's another inference worksheet to give students practice with this challenging reading skill. Students will read the passages, answer the questions, and support their answers with textual evidence. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 3. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 4
Here is another high-quality inference worksheet. Students read the passages, answer the inferential questions, and explain their answers by using text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 4. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 5
Here is another inference worksheet to get those gears grinding. This one has four reading passages and ten problems. Students read the passages, answers the inferential questions, and use text to support their answers. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 5. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 6
Many students have difficulty answering inferential questions. This worksheet has ten more practice problems to help students develop this critical reading skill. Read the passages, answer the inference questions, and support answers with text. The Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 6. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 7
"More inference worksheets!" your students cheer as you come marching through the door holding this inference worksheet. It looks like all of the others: it is double-sided and has ten problems. This one is brand new though. The joy spreads through the room. It is contagious. The students read the passages, answer the inference questions, and support their responses with text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 7. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 8
It's always nice to have choices. And in the spirit of having choices, I present this eighth inference worksheet. This one is double-sided and contains ten inference questions. Students read the passages, answer the questions, and support their responses with text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 8. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 9
What's better than a ten problem inference worksheet? An eleven problem inference worksheet! That's right. This worksheet has eleven inference problems. I couldn't decide on which one to remove, and the passages are short enough that lucky number eleven fits. Students read the passages, answer the 11 questions, and support their answers by using text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 9. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 10
Are you still looking for inference worksheets? Here is the tenth in a series. Wow, that's a lot of inferences. Read the passages, answers the inference questions, and support all responses with text from the passage. I hope this will help students master inferences. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 10. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

Common Core State Standards

Inferences Anchor Standard
R.1 - Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

RL/RI.4.1 - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RL/RI.5.1 - Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RL/RI.6.1 - Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL/RI.7.1 - Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL/RI.8.1 - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL/RI.9-10.1 - Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL/RI.11-12.1 - Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
Click to VIEW Grade Level Standards for R.1
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  1. Faith

     /  November 19, 2014

    If you don’t like them, don’t use them. This is a wonderful FREE resource and you have the option of editing them if you bother to read them beforehand.

  2. Lisa

     /  November 3, 2014

    I have an issue with the description of a woman throwing a cat into a travel carrier. Is your intent to promote animal abuse rather than a description of how to train a cat not to scratch?

  3. Yordanus

     /  October 26, 2014

    I’m really happy when i found this website and read some lessons,Thank You very much for your help. I feel that this web site is very useful.


  4. Mary

     /  October 24, 2014

    Mr. Morton,
    If these passages are common core related, I wonder why there are so many convention errors? These really need to be corrected. These are great examples for inference.

    • Please report them. I will fix them if they are indeed errors. I am prone to make a few hundred errors here and there.

  5. Ian Nunez

     /  October 19, 2014

    Thank you for sharing these worksheet. I have this page bookmarked last year when there were only four or five worksheet available. I am quite happy that you are continuing adding content.
    Mr. Morton, I hope you do not get discouraged with the negative comments posted here. Browsing the Internet is a skill people do not fully understand yet. People have to check the content, and use judgment whether information can be used or not. What I do is that I do not print your worksheet as is. I copy the contents that I can use for my class. Some are too advance for my kids, while some I edited and use simpler words that they would suit their level (I hope you are fine with that). I guess my point is that, it is our, the teachers, responsibility to filter through the contents/materials that we use in class.
    Please do not stop your good work. You have been a tremendous help. And please know that students from the PHILIPPINES are reading your work! Maraming salamat po!

  6. Tina Knight

     /  September 11, 2014

    I am looking for Inference worksheets to use as assessments and homework. I’m happy to have found these worksheets, but I’m so disappointed as I read through the passages. They are not appropriate for my fourth graders. I’m disappointed.

    • I’m sorry to hear it. I do appreciate you taking the time to read them before using them in class as others have done. Perhaps you can cobble an appropriate worksheet together out of my passages. Surely some of them could be useful.

  7. Mr. Joon

     /  September 8, 2014

    Excellent site to use to monitor student progress and give students feedback on their inferential skills. Thank you!!!!!

  8. Faith

     /  September 4, 2014

    Hello Mr. Morton,
    I am new to your site. I teach adult ESL. I will use your worksheets as needed and I thank you for your time in making such a great free service. I am unhappy to read the comments of parents, teachers, and even administrators that have complained about content. I haven’t even read the ‘affair’ worksheet, but am confused what the problem here is. Teachers, parents and administrators, you are responsible for teaching how to handle real life uncomfortable situations. Some of your reactions have taught how not to handle situations well. The lesson here really is the user needs to read the material. Do not assume that just because someone else made it that it is suitable for exactly what you need. That’s nearly impossible to find. Also, there is nothing on this site that suggests to me that this is for elementary use. Remember we want to encourage people like Mr. Morton to share their work for free as it is very helpful. Creating worksheets is not easy and to have examples and templates is extraordinarily helpful. Also, critical thinking is taught in schools, so please when using this site and other sites, please use your own critical thinking skills when choosing handouts for your classes. I also send out a challenge to everyone: share helpful criticism and appreciation. Then we all benefit and we show our future generation how we should behave in the real world.

    Thank you Mr. Morton for making more adult worksheets as they are very difficult to find.

    • Thank you for taking the time to say this.
      That particular worksheet isn’t on this site anymore because it was distracting from the rest of the content. It was appearing on local news broadcast with sensational headlines like “Adultery Now Part of the Common Core?” or whatever. Anyway, things have quieted down since I caved into the pressure and I’m good with that. Thanks again for commenting and best wishes.

  9. Marianne

     /  August 23, 2014

    Thank you very much, love your worksheets,
    they help me a lot.
    Looking forward for more.

  10. Andrea

     /  April 27, 2014

    Mr. Morton,
    I am so sorry you are having to deal with unappreciative, judgmental people. Your website is a great resource, and I can appreciate the hundreds of hours you have invested here. The fact that you freely share your materials with other teachers is amazingly generous.
    For those who have a problem with one passage out of Mr. Morton’s hundreds, you should have simply not used it (which means you can’t print and copy without reading) but then said thank you to Mr. Morton for the ones you did use.
    For myself and everyone who has used your materials, I say “thank you”.

  11. Mitchell

     /  April 21, 2014

    As I get ready to print off a couple of these, I couldn’t help but notice the amount of people that visit this site that are completely nuts. Haha…Keep up the good work, Mr. Morton.

  12. Susan

     /  April 19, 2014

    I would be ashamed to use these worksheets for three reasons. First, there are a number of grammatical errors (which even my second grader would catch) and this will do nothing except confuse the children. Second, there are also typing errors. Finally, the scenarios are either inappropriate OR too vague to answer consistently.

  13. Stacy

     /  April 18, 2014

    I can’t believe there are even 1-2 positive comments on this site! It’s terrible. Mom’s gonna kill Tommy, Ruby’s husband is a cheater, and Valerie’s kid is dead. Seriously?

    But that’s not the worst part. These stories are RIDDLED with grammatical errors. Why in the wide, wide world would a teacher EVER use this as a resource? Punctuation matters!

    Perhaps those teaching their own children without the proper training do not understand or even see those mistakes? I am extremely sad for our future.

  14. Martha

     /  April 18, 2014

    I’m not sure how you differentiate between “inference” and judgment, or jumping to conclusions. I found the example of the hair clip under the bed to be extremely disturbing to give to a 4th grader, and there is not enough information to allow anyone, much less a child, to make a reasonable judgment of the situation. What if the hairclip belongs to her daughter’s friend? What if her husband found it on the sidewalk at work, recognized it as belonging to a co-worker, and put it into his pocket to return to her later? Your questions obviously are slanted to lead the children into jumping to lurid conclusions without adequate information. That is not an inference, it is a sick interpretation of a situation that may have MANY reasonable explanations. Makes me wonder what kind of home life you might have, and how much trust you have in others. I pity your wife, if you even have one.

  15. John

     /  April 18, 2014

    Wow! As a 49 year old educated in the states, I am appalled at the level of destruction the common core curriculum is doing to our children. This will end. Parents are aware of the true nature of this indoctrination on a National level. What is up with some of these ridiculous comments? It is some of the worst sentence structure I have ever seen. Truly sad.

    • Common Core is the new witch hunt. All Common Core State Standards are is a well-designed set of learning goals. The goals allow students in different states to aim for similar educational targets. It does not tell teachers how to teach or what to use when teaching. Teachers are given the freedom to reach the goals in any appropriate way. My site does not represent Common Core. Some teachers have chosen to use my materials to met the Common Core State Standards. That is all. Teachers are given the freedom to reach the goals in any appropriate way.

      If you want to hate Common Core, I respect your freedom to express yourself.

      In fact, I encourage you to learn more about the object of your detest
      so that your expression will have more meaning.

  16. Sireta Neighbors

     /  April 17, 2014

    Very inappropriate for 4th graders. There is already a problem with kids not being able to be kids as it is. You might think this stuff is educational. It just raises questions with kids that they don’t nerd to confront this early in life.

    • I agree. They definitely don’t nerd to confront this.

      Not to make light of a serious issue:
      I never intended the assignment to be distributed to 4th grade students.

      I had a warning in bold text, a javascript alert box, and
      several other measures to prevent teachers and others
      from distributing the content without being aware of its contents,

      but these measures failed.

      For a time I defended the content,
      not because of its high-quality,

      but based on my principles of free speech
      and not succumbing to censors.

      This turned out to be stupid,
      mainly because of the goal of this site.

      I am not creating an artistic product
      that should be defended.

      I am trying to help students, teachers, and parents.

      The content proved to be doing much more harm than good,
      and it was detracting from the otherwise noble goals of the site.

      So I deleted the content.
      About one year ago.

      And here we are…

  17. FTA

     /  April 17, 2014

    This entire website and its content displays why teachers are paid far to much and why are public schools are so terrible.

    • Why do the people of our nation attack our nation’s teachers?
      Has it always been like this?

      Aren’t there more worthy candidates for your disdain
      than those that attempt to prepare
      our nation’s children for the future?

  18. David Bartholomew

     /  April 17, 2014

    May I ask you what your teaching qualifications are? Experience? College Degree? I see many misspelled words, punctuation and grammar errors in the worksheets and on the website. Also, no information about you, or your organization, on the site. Only “Mr. Morton” that replies to emails.

    • I taught reading to seventh and eighth grade students in the South and West Sides of Chicago for nine years. I an sharing resources of my own creation with teachers for free. I am making the source files available so that teachers may edit these materials as they see fit. Who are you?

  19. James Norman

     /  April 5, 2014

    Why is there a worksheet describing adultery to 3rd graders?

    • I see no such worksheet. Do you?

      Where is it?

      Furthermore, if said worksheet
      were available here last year,

      with numerous emboldened warnings
      and a JavaScript alert box launching when it was clicked,

      who would suggest giving such content to 3rd grade students?

  20. Maria T

     /  April 2, 2014

    Oh, and the neurological regions of the brain that hone inferences is in the prefrontal cortex. This area does not actually develop significantly until well past adolescence. Most psychologists do not expect moral inferences to be detected routinely until a person has at least reached the age of 12. If these are meant for children under this age, well…

    …a few of us in the profession laugh a lot about common core. Does this tell you anything?

  21. Maria T

     /  April 2, 2014

    Worksheet 2 “with a slice in on his belly” needs to be corrected. Remove the “in”.

    Hyperbolic death threats in Worksheet 1 may vicariously traumatize a child under a certain age, especially since this is a threat from a mother.

    Worksheet 2 Cassie the sentences are run-on and are poorly constructed, making them very difficult for even adults to read. Make shorter sentences.

    Worksheet 2 “The other kids gathered in front of the little storefront” Use a comma after kids and don’t use front and store front together in the same sentence. It is redundant. “In front of the store” or “standing at the storefront” would be better.
    Also, you state the kids pile out of the car, but then say that James is in the front. Which is it?

    Many of the stories involve compound sentences. This can be highly confusing for younger readers. It might be wise to shorten them by breaking them into two sentences, rather than have them contiguously connected.

    Just a couple edits, but I have only reviewed the first two worksheets. Some make good inferences, but teaching inferences are easier if one does not “test” but query children as to multiple meanings of words. A child of seven just learning to read may struggle with reading inferences, but is capable of communicating them verbally because the verbal skill has been practiced longer. I have issues with the notion that testing means a child can or cannot accomplish a skill. Nuances are easier to discuss, rather than write or read.

  22. Dr UE Olazabal

     /  April 1, 2014

    Mr Morton, while you may offer valuable exercises for developing language reading skills, you must consider the appropriateness of the material you publish and the age group you are targeting. A passage inferring adultery that is targeted for elementary school-aged children is not only inappropriate but also irresponsible and unprofessional of you. After you took the specific reading passage down, and made the vague comment “…make it friendlier for all readers”, you failed to address the issue by issuing a deserved public apology. May I suggest, Sir, that you in the future consult with Mental Health professionals to address relevance and appropriateness of content. I am a Sexologist and Sexual Health professional, and recognized that the reading passage should not have been in the worksheet.

  23. Tony

     /  March 28, 2014

    If my kid came home with this assignment, I would be furious. Why in the world would you teach a kid about adultery/affairs? Couldn’t this have been done with more family friendly materials? I question motive here.

    • The content was edited over a year ago to exactly what you have suggested.

      Your rage is outdated, sir,
      but I agree with your general criticism.

  24. Daniel Coffin

     /  March 2, 2014

    These sheets are great! Thanks for making this resource available.

  25. Nalda

     /  February 19, 2014

    I just love the inferencing passages,my students enjoy doing them!

  26. jevans

     /  February 3, 2014

    Love your site. I use it to supplement my twin 5th graders and to give them practice over the summer and on snow days like today! Thank you!!

  27. “lose it” “I’m going to kill you!” Do you really think these worksheets are appropriate? I would never use them.

    • These are common idioms. “I’m going to kill you,” is not to be understood literally. I hope that you find what you are looking for.

  28. Em Barnes

     /  November 7, 2013

    My son came home with inference worksheet 1 today. I am amazed at how bad the grammar is in this text, I felt like rewriting it and sending it back to his teacher. It appears she has gone on the first website and clicked on the first worksheet to give to her class for homework without taking the time to edit it. It took me a minute to find and enable editing.

    • Well, if you find another minute, I’d appreciate you telling me specifically what is erred so that I may correct it if in fact such errors exist. Best wishes!

      • Brigott

         /  April 17, 2014

        Let’s start with this correction of your comment:

        “Well, if you find another minute, I’d appreciate your telling me specifically what is incorrect so that I may correct it if, in fact, such errors exist. Best wishes!

  29. Teacher

     /  October 11, 2013

    Very inappropriate for many age groups. I do believe that it is the teachers responsibility to proof read before things are sent out, but goodness some of these passages are far too much! Please think about what you are putting out on this site. I would hate for a child to stumble upon it, for extra practice, and have to read some of these passages.

  30. Lacy

     /  October 4, 2013

    “It’s not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It’s our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.”

    ― L.R. Knost, Two Thousand Kisses a Day: Gentle Parenting Through the Ages and Stages

    The content is inappropriate nevermind the warning.

  31. Chris

     /  October 1, 2013

    These are great worksheets. I’m not just talking about the inference, but the narrative perspective worksheets, genre, story structure, etc. My school just spent a bunch of money on a new literature series from Prentice Hall (owned by Pearson the mega-education monopoly). The lit. series goes over these skills, but the practice is insufficient to accomplish mastery, and they jump from one thing to the next so quickly. I’m pretty sure these books were made to turn kids off from literature before they even start.

  32. Jo Smith

     /  September 28, 2013

    I love the site! Kids are not as fragile and naïve as some people here would like to think. Keep up the great work Mr. Morton!

    • Brigott

       /  April 17, 2014

      Whether or not the kids are fragile or naive is NOT the issue.

      How is it appropriate for a school to be the ones putting this information before the students?

      Maybe the kids would be more innocent of adult themes if the schools weren’t pushing those themes on the children.

    • John Titus

       /  April 17, 2014

      Let me decide that for my children thank you.

  33. betsy.maxey@comcast.net

     /  September 26, 2013

    just a note.
    inference worksheet three- the answer sheet- has spelled flour/flower.

  34. Master2012

     /  September 19, 2013

    This is incredible. Thank you for taking the time to devise and compile. I can spend more time teaching and preparing lessons and give this material to supplement my lessons. Thanks.

  35. Sharon

     /  September 10, 2013

    These are some of the best online language arts resources I have found. Thank you so much for the time that went into this and for making these accessible to everyone.

  36. Mary

     /  September 6, 2013

    I am appalled that these teachers are appalled! What kind of lazy teaching is it to print something off, copy it and expect kids to use it without ever reading the material? I am sorry for the negative comments; thank you for the great resources.

  37. Karen

     /  April 29, 2013

    This website has been very helpful and I appreciate all of the free resources. I chose not to use the page with the innuendo. It is the only thing that I have come across on the site that I didn’t want to use. However, I don’t think it is a reason to boycott this wonderful and helpful site. Thank you!

  38. Ms. Williams

     /  April 29, 2013

    This website is a life-saver! I use it with my students (7th and 8th grade) every year. I would never dream of using certain handouts (the implied adultery one) with any students younger than 8th grade–and I usually even save that for towards the end of the year. To all the parents and teachers who are complaining, maybe you should actually read what you’re handing out to children before giving it to them. When you get upset, you’re really just displaying your own negligence.

    • Stacey

       /  October 11, 2013

      What makes you think showing children of this age the “implied adultery one” at any point in the school year is appropriate? What do you teach them prior to this to make it ok toward the end of the year?

    • Brigott

       /  April 17, 2014


      What Stacey said.

      That worksheet isn’t even appropriate for a school to hand out to high-school students.

  39. Jenny Freshly

     /  April 20, 2013

    I just wanted to thank you for your labor in preparing these worksheets! I am a first year teacher, and I have used your sequenced worksheets numerous times. The deliberate repetition of the skill has been very helpful for my students and has eased my work load considerably. The quality is great and the examples appropriate to the language arts classroom! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and skill!

    • I am happy to hear it. Look forward to much more content being added for next year. Best wishes!

      • gloria dibbern

         /  April 17, 2014

        Come on! Can’t you write material that is suitable for all ages and is interesting to boot? Seems to me your writers either lack skill (they do lack punctuation skills) or imagination. Let me suggest someting more along the lines of Sherlock Holms.

        • Writers? I am a single individual. I do my best. Sometimes, in my flurries of content creation, I make grammatical errors. When informed of these errors, I generally fix them.

        • Andrea

           /  April 30, 2014

          Gloria, then you write it! Why do you expect someone else to do your work for you and then criticize the man that offers his work to you for free?

          • Valerie

             /  June 3, 2014

            I agree, Andrea. I was shocked that Gloria could say such a thing. One takes what one gets when it’s given free with good spirit! We only have the ‘right’ to criticise if we were paying for this!
            Thanks to Mr Morton!

  40. To Whom It May Concern,

    I had a parent waiting for me in the pouring rain this morning to complain about the passage inferencing a husband having an affair. I was appalled to read it and discussed with my teachers not using this website again. Though my teacher should have read the passages more carefully it disappoints me that she would even need to worry that a passage from a reputable site be inappropriate. I hope you will remove this passage immediately so no other families have to deal with explaining something like this to their young children.


    Principal, Adairsville Elementary School

    • Shana G

       /  May 7, 2013

      I used this exact same sheet for my students today. It is the teacher’s responsibility to read the material before handing it out to their students. I apologize for those individuals who believe it is your responsibility to censor the material.They should examine themselves, as well as their staff. It is important to come to work prepared, read before handing out, and lessons are not created the morning of. This website is a live saver and I hope you continue.

    • Minette

       /  October 14, 2013

      Schools and school populations differ. It is the teacher’s job to vet every handout. If teachers are not qualified to do this, do not blame the website that caters for students from all over the world. The site should not take responsibility for lazy teachers. More mature material is very handy for ESL students who do not want to be treated like little kids.

  41. this website is amazing it help me with most of my stuff. im looking for some collge work to

  42. Mom to 5 great kids

     /  February 19, 2013

    This very same worksheet came home with my 6th grade daughter.I sent the entire thing back stapled shut.I deemed it very inappropriate for any age to need to read inferences through this method,let alone for my daughter who has an autistic/asperger’s spectrum disorder and reads things very literally.I also did not like the Tommy story where his mom yell’s she is going to kill him.In these crazy days of weirdness we need to instill positive values and morals in all kids be inner-city or not.They see and hear enough in the real world,why not give them positive stories they can build on in their heads?Please teachers read papers before they are sent out and give them positive stuff.

    • jon

       /  March 14, 2014

      I applaud teachers that aren’t fearful of helicopter parents and their incessant, head-patting positivity. Not everything can be positive. Not everything in the world is positive. Teachers help prepare students for the real world. You would probably have an aneurysm if you saw some of the topics covered in my room, but it’s engaging and applicable to real life. I use these worksheets with struggling 8th grade readers, and they are great!

  43. Mimi Boyle

     /  February 19, 2013

    CommentMr. Morton,
    As an educator for the last thirty years, I can not help but think you could have used more appropriate “themes” for the future leaders of America. To think fourth graders would and should know what is implied when a hairclip is found in someone’s bedroom? Really, I am very disappointed and will never use this web site again!

    • Jo Smith

       /  September 28, 2013

      You sir have never taught the kinds of kids I have! How narrow minded are you?

    • Reina Shelby

       /  April 2, 2014

      I agree 100%, Ms. Boyle! I do teach 3rd-9th graders and I must say the themes presented in these worksheets are less than desirable. What are we teaching our children? Let’s RAISE the standards, not lower them.

  44. Heather Hoffer

     /  February 11, 2013

    I teach a reading class for adults reading at a 4th-8th grade level. These inferencing worksheets were great. I struggle to find activities that are easier to read, but have more adult content. I especially like the way you have students support their answers with evidence. Thanks!

  45. arooj

     /  February 7, 2013

    ur worksheets are excellent

  46. Dear people, this website is a fantastic website for your students,and children.One day you will notice your child on the computer learning things like this.She or he maybe run in the house saying I learned how to do Inferernces.So this is why you should let your child go on this website to help he or she read better.All teachers go to this website and print more worksheets for your students.If one of your stundents have trouble with reading then go to this website to help you or other people read.Thank you!!!!!!!!!!My name is Cece Jones and I like helping kids read.I’m also a writer.THANK YOU AND HELP YOUR CHILD OR STUDENT BECOME A BETTER READER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANX!!!!!!!

    • Brigott

       /  April 17, 2014

      You claim to be a writer. I hope you don’t claim to be a good writer.

      “She or he maybe run in the house saying I learned how to do Inferernces.So this is why you should let your child go on this website to help he or she read better.”

      Really? And that’s the quality of writing you do as a teacher?

      Rather pathetic.

    • lol

       /  April 18, 2014

      stundents hahaha these worksheets made me infer that you do not know how to spell hahahaha and i do not care about my punctuation hahaha

    • vanderleun

       /  April 19, 2014

      cece jones (sans caps)
      You are neither a writer nor a reader. Back to work as a substandard knob.

  47. Jennifer B

     /  January 17, 2013

    Love your stuff!!! Wish that you could do something with revising writing for 7th grade! And poetry, etc. !

  48. Stephanie

     /  January 11, 2013

    I had no problem with the adultry implication. I teach 7th grade in an inner city where the kids are struggling with skills such as inferencing. And I was pleased when ALL of my students picked up on the fact that the wife suspected the husband of cheating. You have to know your class, your students and what will work for you. The teacher that gave this to a 3rd grade classroom simply made an error- it happens. But I wouldn’t go as far as to say this wasn’t school appropriate work! When our students start reading the great literary works i.e Shakespeare the reading with be laced with all types of sexual inuendos. Is that still considered academic material? Don’t be so harsh! Besides this site doesn’t have to be here. There is an option for you to edit these worksheets – going forward take the extra step to do so! 🙂

    • Hamirah Mobley

       /  September 20, 2013

      I agree that there is inappropriate language and context in some schools’ selected materials. Some aren’t innuendos but blatant! As stated the material can be changed and it is the fault of the teacher not viewing it to make sure it was suitable material. Shows how well prepared the teacher was and the principal needs to keep her eyes open and know her teachers are doing!!!

    • Sue Benedict

       /  October 8, 2013

      I find this inappropriate for ANY aged student. And no I am not some pollyanna type who thinks kids should be shielded until 18 or something. Schools are overstepping their bounds in the name of “education”. I take issue that prayer, religion, etc., has been ripped away for years, but INSERTING immoral assignments such as this is not what education is about. Kids should be taught the basics and the skills needed to exit 12th grade knowing how to interview for a job, read, write, use the keyboard, do math, balance their checkbook and pronounce & enunciate clearly. They do NOT need to learn at any grade level HOW to view the world through such jaded angles or be suspicious or view marriage as if cheating is NORMAL. UNBELIEVABLE how anyone as an educator think these are “good tools”, you should be arrested and charged with immoral behavior to minors!!

      • Though I have long defended this content, I now realize that no warning or alert can prevent this mature subject matter from falling into the hands of very small children. In the interest of making this site friendly for all readers, I have revised the content in question.

        • Pam

           /  June 11, 2018

          It is not your responsibility! The teacher who gives out information without reading it is responsible. This same teacher will show a movie or video without first checking to make sure it is appropriate. This is a shame for the teaching profession!

  49. puruhitosari

     /  December 10, 2012

    love your worksheet, really helps, thank you

  50. Mom of a 5th grader

     /  December 4, 2012

    Despite some negative comments on the worksheet 1, I LOVE these short stories! They are real life stories and well written. I went through the questions with my 5th grade boy who, to my very surprise, understood the last paragraph “Oh, I know.. the husband is cheating!” he said. We have never talked about adultry before, and I don’t even think he was exposed to it, but he understood it! Then, we talked about cheating, made an “inference” that any kind of cheating is not good in life… Again, Thank you so much for posting these. I look forward to seeing more worksheets!


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