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Inferences Worksheets

Making inferences is a skill with which students often need much practice. If you've looked for resources in the same places that I have, you probably haven't been too happy with what you found. I believe that the inference worksheets that I've created are of a higher quality than the other available resources and, as usual, I'm giving them away for free. I hope that you'll appreciate these inference worksheets and that your students may better this valuable reading skills.

How These Worksheets Work
Students are asked to do two things: answer questions that require making logical inferences and explain how they got their answers. Having students explain their answers helps to slow them down. It makes them think about what they are doing. Also, open-ended questions make it easier for the teacher to identify when students are copying.

I recommend that teachers assign the online versions of these activities. Students get instant feedback, have the opportunity to improve, and are still required to answer the open-ended questions. Feel free to leave a comment if you have a question or need further clarification about any of these worksheets.

Inferences Worksheet 1
Looking for a worksheet on making inferences? Check this out. Students read the short passages and then answer the inferential questions. Then they explain their answers by referencing details from the text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 1. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 2
Here is another worksheet on making inferences. Students read the passages and answer inferential questions. Then they support their answers with evidence from the text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 2. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 3
Here's another inference worksheet to give students practice with this challenging reading skill. Students will read the passages, answer the questions, and support their answers with textual evidence. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 3. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 4
Here is another high-quality inference worksheet. Students read the passages, answer the inferential questions, and explain their answers by using text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 4. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 5
Here is another inference worksheet to get those gears grinding. This one has four reading passages and ten problems. Students read the passages, answers the inferential questions, and use text to support their answers. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 5. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 6
Many students have difficulty answering inferential questions. This worksheet has ten more practice problems to help students develop this critical reading skill. Read the passages, answer the inference questions, and support answers with text. The Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 6. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 7
"More inference worksheets!" your students cheer as you come marching through the door holding this inference worksheet. It looks like all of the others: it is double-sided and has ten problems. This one is brand new though. The joy spreads through the room. It is contagious. The students read the passages, answer the inference questions, and support their responses with text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 7. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 8
It's always nice to have choices. And in the spirit of having choices, I present this eighth inference worksheet. This one is double-sided and contains ten inference questions. Students read the passages, answer the questions, and support their responses with text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 8. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 9
What's better than a ten problem inference worksheet? An eleven problem inference worksheet! That's right. This worksheet has eleven inference problems. I couldn't decide on which one to remove, and the passages are short enough that lucky number eleven fits. Students read the passages, answer the 11 questions, and support their answers by using text. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 9. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.
Inferences Worksheet 10
Are you still looking for inference worksheets? Here is the tenth in a series. Wow, that's a lot of inferences. Read the passages, answers the inference questions, and support all responses with text from the passage. I hope this will help students master inferences. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7.
This is a preview image of Inferences Worksheet 10. Click on it to enlarge it or view the source file.

Common Core State Standards

Inferences Anchor Standard
R.1 - Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

RL/RI.4.1 - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RL/RI.5.1 - Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
RL/RI.6.1 - Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL/RI.7.1 - Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL/RI.8.1 - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL/RI.9-10.1 - Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RL/RI.11-12.1 - Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.
Click to VIEW Grade Level Standards for R.1
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  1. I teach EFL at university level in Japan, and I have used these very successfully with reading students. Of course, I read them myself first….. ;-D

    Thanks Mr. Morton! Keep up the good work!

  2. Ms. C

     /  November 28, 2012

    I stumbled upon this website, and I LOVE the materials you’ve provided! I’m using this “inferencing” lesson with my students tomorrow. Just a question – are you planning on creating a set of materials focusing on “foreshadowing?” Thank you for all of your hard work, and for so generously providing it to us fellow educators!

    • I’d very much like to do so. I’m finishing up another video game right now, but after that I intend on creating a bunch of more material for this site. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. JJ White

     /  November 10, 2012

    I plan on using some of these. I’m so glad I found these. I might change “up stairs” (found in the first paragraph) to “upstairs” (one word). What do you think?

    Thank you so much for sharing your work! That is admirable.


  5. Nita

     /  October 30, 2012

    (to add).. as far as the story with Anastasia, many of my students said that she and John had a bad relationship because he is mean to her that is why she is crying. Some of them thought that they were siblings and maybe John had said something to Anastasia which hurt her feelings (like give back my jacket) which he may have let her borrow because it was cold.. (The answers of babies)… So as I said I hope my parents don’t look too much into it and if not I will apologize and help them to understand the reason..

    • I understand your concerns. These are just worksheets that I wrote. They contain some situations that occur in real life. Nothing is explicitly offensive. Some of the implications may contain values that are questionable, but how better to instill value than to discuss? I maintain this page despite the complaints of a vocal minority because I believe that educators should stand against censorship as well as book burning. That said, know your students and know the material that you are distributing. Use your best judgement and always have a rationale for what you are teaching, and you should be able to defend your intentions. Best wishes, Morton

  6. Nita

     /  October 30, 2012

    I used some of these in my fourth grade class. My students are too young to know what many of them mean. I didn’t use the sheet which implies adultry but I did use the one that has Anastasia sobbing about a break up. I told them that I am not looking for a right answer, I just want them to tell me their background knowledge. I didn’t think that it was a bid deal. When I saw it I saw an opportunity to test their thought process on certain words (sobbing, fluttered, etc…). After reading through your comments I am wondering what some of my parents will think. I sent it home with some kids to finish. I will see what happens in the morning…

  7. Corey

     /  October 15, 2012

    Thanks for providing all of these worksheets. I have used several of them with my advanced group of 6th graders. We like to use them on the projector and go over them together. I will just skip over the inappropriate pieces. Not a big deal. Thanks for your efforts! We will practice inferencing tomorrow.

  8. Wm. Jan Raabe

     /  October 15, 2012

    Thanks for sharing. It was a little scary to me how many people used these with elementary students, then blamed you! As a FORTY year veteran, please know that I was pleased to find a FREE, excellent source for a difficult area for many students! Please continue to share when you have time!

  9. Patricia Cone

     /  September 10, 2012

    Mr. Morton, I’m so sorry you have to endure the abuse – yes ABUSE – from people who have freely taken your materials and not found them to their liking.

    Yikes these are presented in a format that is easily enough modified. Community standards vary, and so teachers can simply revise the material to reflect those standards. They can even (gasp!!!) send you copies of their revised lessons One person has actually done this.

    I think teachers who take things that other people have created to use and don’t give anything back but abuse and criticism are completely unethical. Shame on them not you.

    Keep up the good work Mr. Morton.

  10. Ms.'Cher

     /  August 21, 2012

    Hi! The worksheets are good. To those who are saying that this is not appropriate I say it’ll always be appropriate as long as you take responsibility to qualify immediately what should be done and what shouldn’t be done.

    Thank you for posting this!

  11. Laura K Daniels

     /  July 2, 2012

    Thank you for these excellent resources. As all responsible teachers do, I perused your materials and chose those worksheets that I felt best met my teaching objectives for that particular day and reading abilities of my students. For those that are criticizing your FREE materials, I question why they are even taking time to write negative comments instead of accepting responsibility for their own irresponsibility. My goodness, giving students materials that haven’t been read over certainly speaks volumes for the lack of professionalism of those teachers. These are available for free– to be used by choice. Really people, don’t blame others for your lazy irresponsibility.

  12. Bonnie

     /  June 28, 2012

    Hello. I just want to say thank you for sharing all your hard work. I love this website and it has helped me a lot. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing! There are not many people who are so good about sharing their hard work with others.

  13. selina

     /  June 26, 2012

    Awesome! Yes indeed, the very sort of tool or practice that is just not out there (even for the paying in this case!). I am a fan of “free” – these practices, however, (I believe we all agree) are better than “good.” But to have the two together?
    Who’da thunk?

    Wish to join the band of appreciators of these fabulous practices. Truly appreciate your sharing ~ Thank You! Thank You!

  14. CRJ

     /  June 20, 2012

    Hi –

    For those who complain that the “adultery” inference worksheet was not appropriate for certain grades – blame the teacher who downloaded the worksheet and DIDNN’T read it first. Part of an educator’s job is to plan…had the teacher planned carefully, they would have cut that part of the text or used a different worksheet. Geez people, these are FREE and good. Grow up.

  15. Bing

     /  May 25, 2012

    I also teach ESL at the community college level and find these worksheets fantastic! You’re right, Mr. Morton, the sources out there are weak in general. These are interesting, thoughtful and get some laughs. To anyone who printed them off without reading them through and sent them home with small children — simply put, you deserve all the flak you get. (Not so much because they’re “naughty,” mind you, but because the reading level is inappropriate.) Thank you again for making these available.

  16. i appreciate your work thank you for sharing.

  17. mrbonnell

     /  April 18, 2012

    I have a hard time believing anyone who “read through” these actually gave them to second or third graders; these themes are CLEARLY meant for middle/high school level and are designed to generate interest from kids who have had more life experiences and need more “drama” to encourage them. I applaud you, Mr. Morton. STUDENT ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT!!! Great work! -from a fellow Middle School English Teacher

  18. Jenny

     /  April 17, 2012

    Thank you for sharing your resources. I’m a new teacher (3rd grade), where I often rely on the curriculum adopted by my county. (Which quite frankly is filled with fluff.) Sometimes it’s nice to be able to pull from a seasoned teacher’s bag of tricks to help get the job done.

  19. Iris

     /  April 12, 2012

    Thank you for creating these wonderful worksheets. I am constantly hunting for worksheets to use in a remedial level English course for the community college students I teach. It is hard to find worksheets that are on their level, yet are not over-simplified. Most materials are geared toward elementary students or ESL classes. I see that some people have given you backlash over the content – As a parent, I never hesitated to discuss whatever topics came up with my children. As a teacher, I know I am responsible for reviewing material. I don’t beleive in shooting the messenger nor do I look a gift horse in the mouth. Thank you again for your free and helpful materials!

  20. Debra

     /  March 28, 2012

    I love how you all want to put the responsibility on Mr. Morton to change the things you don’t like. He provided, very unselfishly, a substantial amount of resources for everyone to use. If you don’t like the material, CHANGE IT YOURSELF!!! Take YOUR time, do some RESEARCH, sit in front of YOUR computer, and use the kinds of examples that YOU find appropriate. And while you’re at it…take another look at the Constitution of the United States. He has the right to print whatever he wants…and you have the right not to use it.

  21. Ms.C.

     /  March 26, 2012

    Mr. Morton, I wanted to thank you for making these resources available for teachers to use. You were not obligated to share and I appreciate that you do – I can always get ideas and revise paragraphs if I feel the content should be different for my students. Teachers who use these materials should appreciate the great service you are doing by sharing with others (so few teachers are willing to share!), and if you are someone who used these materials and later realized they are inappropriate, it’s your own fault entirely. You should NEVER, never, NEVER use materials created by someone else without understanding what you are giving to students first. Write your own materials if you don’t want to take the time out to review what others may share. In my opinion, using others’ work without previewing it instead of creating your own or weeding out what is appropriate for your students is a sign of sheer laziness!

    • Thank you. Best wishes!

    • Erin

       /  May 30, 2012

      I completely agree. I teach adult learners, and it is difficult to find material that will interest them. These worksheets are perfect. I echo the previous statement. I teach adults, as stated before, and I would never assign something that I did not actually read over first. By the time students reach 7th/8th grade, they can handel this.

  22. Teacher Teacher

     /  March 24, 2012

    Your worksheets are great! Those who do not completely read what they hand out to their students are at fault completely! I just read them all, used 2 of them and took 2 out. How easy was that!!!

  23. Educator2

     /  March 20, 2012

    I think it would be responsible of you to designate an appropriate age level at the beginning of each worksheet. Unfortunately for me I did not catch this mistake in time. I am extremely embarrassed and have to explain this to the parents of my students tomorrow.You are very irresponsible! Shame on you!

    • mrkapom

       /  January 7, 2013

      No, you are irresponsible for not reading the material before you used it in your classroom. What kind of ridiculous scapegoating is that, blaming the guy who provides free resources? Take responsibility for your own classroom.

  24. educator

     /  March 2, 2012

    This site NEEDS to designate an appropriate age level listed at the beginning of this site. As an educator, I pulled one of these worksheets to better help my third grade students prove their answers and justify. I skimmed the first text and mistakingly deemed it appropriate because of the format. I know that it was ultimately my fault, and I have taken responsibility for that but there clearly needs to have an intended audience for each practice text. I have had many parents approach me because of this resource that I sent home. I will never use this website again.

    • Unfortunately, I did not design the site in that way. These are just worksheets that I had created to use in my classroom, and now I am sharing with everyone else. I’ve opened up the files, so that you can amend or alter them in any way to meet your individual students’ needs or requirements, whether it is inappropriate vocabulary or themes. I will miss your visits.

  25. Ebony

     /  February 29, 2012

    I do believe that those who selected the worksheets from the website without reviewing their content should be the blame for any following troubles or issues. These worksheets have proven to be a huge help for me and I am very grateful! Take your time and you will see that there is a friendlier version to be chosen. If you still disagree with the content, the answer is simple. Use another website and be done. I am quite apologetic for those who do not accept the blame for their part in being irresponsible, but hopefully they will learn! Afterall, isn’t this what we want to do?

  26. educator

     /  February 11, 2012

    i read the content of these before printing them and giving them to my students. i did not think the adultery paragraph was appropriate for my class so i cut it out and threw it away. it is not really a big deal when you take time to prepare a lesson for your students. however, if you just print material without reviewing it first, then yes you will send inappropriate material home with your students. it is all about being responsible and prepared.

    • Vicki

       /  January 11, 2013

      I agree. You should always complete or review the worksheet yourself before handing it to a student. NOTHING on the internet can be 100% trusted. Don’t blame other people for your mistakes. Anytime you get something off of the internet – or anywhere – you should check it for mistakes and age-appropriate content. This is just called being responsible and taking the time to prepare. Let’s be mature – take responsibilty for our actions – and stop pointing fingers.

  27. Frank

     /  February 6, 2012

    Great stuff! Straight and to the point!

  28. Penny Drown

     /  January 26, 2012

    I am so sorry that you haven’t revised the content of the Inference worksheet. I made the mistake of only reading the front side. The inference that the husband is having an affair is not school appropriate. I will not be using your resource.

    • I’m sorry to hear that. On the bright side, Mrs. Helton from Bloomington High School South has taken the initiative to rewrite the most objectionable material. I hope this will help others. Nonetheless, preview all materials and tread carefully, for there are many delicate little flowers in the field.

      • Honeny Destiny

         /  January 31, 2012

        I think the sheets are a helpful way to get a kid advanced in inferencing. It can prepare them for the future. 🙂 thanx reading worksheets

  29. Sped Teach

     /  January 25, 2012

    I really enjoy the inference worksheets and so do my high school students, I just wish there were more 🙂 Thank you for making them available!

  30. Mrs. M

     /  January 19, 2012

    I really liked your short paragraphs. I used these for my 6th & 7th graders. I did read them ahead and did not give them the adultery question. No big deal. They were great and really made my kids think. I need a whole book of these. Don’t listen to those silly people that obviously gave their kids something inappropriate and FREE off the internet.

  31. Ann

     /  January 17, 2012

    Gee, people give him a break. It is your fault you didn’t review what you presented to your students. Thanks for making free worksheets available.

  32. Gin

     /  January 13, 2012

    My son ids in second grade and his teacher told me that he is unable it asnwer infererntial questions, so she is keeping him at a lower reading level. Is this right?? looking at these questions I feel it is very mature for his grade, Am I wrong???

    • Wow, that’s heavy stuff. The content on this website is no reflection of what is happening in your child’s classroom. This material is probably for students grade six and up, though maturity levels vary. Some teachers contend that these materials are completely unacceptable for any classroom. I respectfully disagree. I’d like to make inference worksheets for younger students too, but I’m currently too busy teaching and caring for my family. In any case, I am in no position to comment on your child’s situation or the judgement of his teacher. Try reading fables to your child and asking him what the moral of each story is. That might be a more appropriate activity with which to develop inferential skills. I’m sorry that I cannot help you more and I wish you the most positive outcome.

  33. Erica

     /  January 13, 2012

    As an educator I am not happy with the inference worksheet content. A student at our school had this in a lesson (us teachers always preview) and went home to her mother discussing the provocative nature of the situations. I WOULD NOT recommend any of these worksheets for classroom instruction no matter what age. We are having to deal with in regards to an unhappy parent.

    • First off, let me apologize for my role in your trouble. The job is difficult enough without additional heat and I only meant to help, never harm.

      Secondly, let me establish my position: if you previewed the materials and approved them, but the materials were later found to be inappropriate, there must be either some flaw in your approval process or an inability to defend your choices. Teachers have long had to defend materials that parents and administrators question based on ethical grounds (Google: “banned books” or “book burning”). I know enough to understand that nobody is objectively “right,” since this is a value based judgments. But my values condition me as such to believe that the more sensitive someone is about a topic, the more reason there is to discuss it.

      Thank you for visiting and I hope that you find tomorrow to be a better day.

  34. Esti F.

     /  January 4, 2012

    9th and 10th grade students can certainly handle these adult themes. Many texts from literary canons go into much more depth about sexuality and adultery. It can sometimes be a useful tool for engagement in an otherwise tedious task. I also agree that you should never send something home without reading it. It would be terrible to have someone else’s typo reflect poorly on you!

    • DavidN

       /  January 4, 2012

      My 6th grader came home with this yesterday and frankly I find it completely unacceptable. Sure, they’re expose to these themes in real-life, but that’s no excuse for putting it in front of them at school. School should be a safe place for learning. They’re growing up fast enough without teachers presenting them with adultery or other mature themes. There are two other passages in this document that are also a problem for me. One describes the loss of a mother’s son to war, the other features a mother screaming “I’m going to kill you Tommy!” Folks, we’re fighting a war or two right now. How’d you like to put that in front of a young child who’s recently lost a daddy or mommy? And threatening mortal violence for a broken window? How about “Just wait until your father gets home Tommy!” That’s what I heard growing up, how about you? I’m 100% sure we can teach Inferences without using such disturbing passages as the ones presented here.

      • You are absolutely right. You can teach inferences without using these materials.

        I respect your right to hold your values and I will not disrespect you by picking your arguments apart one by one.

  35. AZTeacher

     /  January 2, 2012

    Thanks for creating these worksheets that’ve made my life easier as a teacher. With regards to how these are HIGHLY inappropriate for students at any grade level, I disagree. Students now days can educate “us” adults about the ills of the world today, based on what they are seeing at home. They know more than we teachers give them credit for and while this is sad, I wouldn’t blame your worksheet example. Thank you for what you do.

  36. inna27

     /  December 14, 2011

    is there for grade 4?

    • Mr. Morton

       /  December 14, 2011

      Perhaps, I suppose it depends on the level of your students. Preview the materials and use your discretion. Thanks for visiting!

  37. Shan

     /  December 5, 2011

    I don’t feel that these passages are inappropriate for ANY grade level. I feel that seventh grade on up should be able to handle the topics. After all, some of the classic English novels display some of the same material {The Scarlet Letter}. I don’t understand the fuss, plus our focus should be on preparing students for real world situations. The passages don’t go in to great details so I don’t see what the problem is.

  38. christy fuller

     /  November 29, 2011

    These are HIGHLY inappropriate topics for any grade level. There has to be some other way to teach inferencing without including such disturbing topics. Ridiculous, completely could not use.

  39. Hey there, I would like to ask if there an answer keys for the worksheet, just need to check my answers tho, i am so thankfull if u send to me the answer due email or post them here.

    • Mr. Morton

       /  December 1, 2011

      Well, I’d like to post answers for these, but there are so many correct answers. The only way to objectify inference questions is to narrow the field with multiple choice questions, and only offer one correct answer. Otherwise, there are numerous interpretations that may be supported. I basically just give my students the point if they sensibly explain their answers.

  40. Pati

     /  November 8, 2011

    Hi Mr.Morton,
    We are new to this country and new to the concept of “Inference” so answer key will help the parents to cross check and better for explaining to the kids.

    • Mr. Morton

       /  November 14, 2011

      Yikes. I’d like to get that for you. In the meantime, is there one in particular with which you are troubled?

  41. Kelsey

     /  October 30, 2011

    I usually do read what I give my students, however when I am differentiating for a classroom of many levels sometimes things slip by me. I read the first couple questions which seemed completely school appropriate. Needless to say I did not expect to see such adult situations on a worksheet that was geared towards educational settings. Unfortunately, I had put my trust in this website since I had good experiences in the past. I will not be making this same mistake in the future.

    • Mr. Morton

       /  October 30, 2011

      I do apologize that I contributed to exposing your students to material that you believe is inappropriate. I do intend to give the problem a “family friendly” revision when I get some time. For now, perhaps your experience can prevent someone else from committing a similar oversight. Thank you for sharing.

  42. Kris

     /  October 30, 2011

    I agree that the worksheet is inappropriate for any grade level…..However, don’t you guys read what you are sending home or doing in class with your students ahead of time???? It should not take a parent bringing it to your attention.

    • Frank

       /  February 6, 2012

      good point

    • Darrell

       /  October 2, 2012

      I agree completely. It is the responsibility of the teacher to be aware of what they are teaching. The worksheet was made for you…reading it is the least you could do.

  43. Kelsey

     /  October 29, 2011

    I have used numerous worksheets/activities from this site therefore I felt quite comfortable when selecting worksheets to enhance and enrich my students. I totally missed the warning statement and was shocked when a parent brought it to my attention. I felt that this was an inappropriate subject at any grade level. There are many other ways to teach our students inferences without using adult related topics.

    • Lionel

       /  August 28, 2012

      I totally agree. I just had the same embarrassing experience. A parent contacted me last week. The first two scenario’s were fine, therefore I assumed the rest was going to be okay.

      • I apologize. I don’t mean to get any one in trouble. Please preview materials thoroughly before using.

        • Alex

           /  November 12, 2012

          As teachers the onus is on all of you to review teaching materials you distribute. Blaming Mr. Morton, who created the content as a potential resource for you, is unfair and frankly ridiculous.

          If you were so worried about the content of the worksheets, you would have at least worked through them yourself. I’d assume you would have done this anyway to ensure all the questions made sense, didn’t have typos, etc… If the scenarios do not meet your approval, you may be forced to modify them. Mr. Morton would still be saving you a lot of work. If you find them completely unacceptable… Well, you may just have to construct your own worksheets. Specifically ones that reflect your values and avoid topics which you consider inappropriate.

  44. Chris

     /  October 28, 2011

    The inferencing question regarding adultery is totally inappropriate for any grade level, including middle school. One of my teachers missed your warning and as a result it went out to a third grade student. If you’re going to keep it in, you may want to consider bolding the entire statement.

    • Laurette

       /  November 6, 2012

      I think that the material is perfectly fine for some grade levels. These students do live in the real world. Now, I wouldn’t have used it in a 3rd grade classroom but I would have read it beforehand. Perhaps that person should read the information before using it in class. Isn’t that the professional thing to do?

      Mr. Morton, thank you so much for sharing this activity. I look forward to using it, adultery and all, in my classroom.

      • Thank you for saying so.

        • Brigott

           /  April 17, 2014

          Also in the adultery-inference worksheet, what’s with that first sentence where “Ruby sat on the bed she shared with her husband holding a hairclip”?

          Why was her husband holding the hair clip?

          By the way, “hair clip” is two words, not one.

          • Where are you finding this content?
            I do not see it.

            From what I recall it was deleted last year.
            Why are we still talking about this?

            Do you expect me to travel back in time
            to fix the grammatical errors of the past?

  45. Elocin

     /  September 14, 2011

    I was wondering what grade level you would recommend for the Making Inferences I worksheet. Also, are these your own creations, or is there a text I could reference? Thank you very much.

    • Mr. Morton

       /  September 15, 2011

      I’d recommend any grade level that you feel could handle it. I use these with 7th and 8th grade students. There is no text to reference, as I wrote these myself, but if you need a citation, feel free to cite me. Thanks for visiting!

  46. Asha Hillman

     /  July 28, 2011

    I would like to know if these worksheets have answer keys.

  1. Inferencing activities/Graphic organizors | Teachers resource finder blog
  2. Farr-Out Links to Learning » Blog Archive » Teaching Inference
  3. » Inference Wofford's Words
  4. Reading Comprehension Worksheets | Pearltrees

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