Simple Subjects and Predicates Practice
Chore Day!
Doug usually plays video games around this time.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Today is different though.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Today Doug is_cleaning up messes around the house.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
His mother gave him a long list of chores.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
The long list seemed overwhelming to Doug.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
His sister, Katie, finished her chores a long time ago.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Doug has_been_stalling since early this morning.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Katie helped her brother Doug with his chores a little bit.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
That made Doug happier than a dog in a dirt pile.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Soon though he was_playing video games on the couch again.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Many of Doug's chores were still incomplete.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Then Katie saw her brother playing video games without her.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Having felt used, Katie left her brother alone.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
A little later in the afternoon, Doug went to get a glass of juice from the refrigerator.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
He saw Katie playing with her dolls in her bedroom.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
At first he was upset with her.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Then Doug realized his mistake in not helping her.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Holding his head down in regret, Doug apologized to his sister Katie.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Katie graciously accepted his apology.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Together, both of them finished the list of chores.
Highlight the simple subject in yellow and the simple predicate in blue.
Write a sentence and use the word school as the simple subject.
Write a sentence and use the verb phrase should be sleeping as the simple predicate.
Write a sentence and use the word reading as the simple subject.
Simple Subjects and Predicates Practice
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