Ereading Worksheets

Ereading Worksheets provides teachers, parents, and motivated students with high-quality reading worksheets, activities, and resources aligned with Common Core State Standards. This website uses a skill focused approach where each activity targets a specific skill set, but you can also browse the reading worksheets by grade level.

The resources on this website cover a broad range of reading, writing, and language arts skills. And this site has a growing collection of online reading activities. Everything on here is free for home and classroom use. I am committed to expanding and improving the content on this site and making it easy to access for learners around the world. Subscribe now to receive emails about new content and big updates to this site.

Some Useful Pages

Reading Resources

Figurative Language Resources

Language Arts Resources

Writing Resources

This site is a labor of love. It has grown tremendously over the years, and I am still working diligently to continue to update and improve this website.

Send comments, questions, corrections, or feedback to or post in the comments below. I’m just one person, but I try my best to reply to vistors, meet requests, and offer help when I can. Thanks for visiting!

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  1. Masuma

     /  August 10, 2023

    Excellent resource

  2. Rosaluz

     /  July 17, 2023

    Great resources!! Thanks a million for making my job easier. My student love it and I enjoy it too!
    Maybe articles in Spanish in the near future?

  3. Carina Pelagio

     /  June 19, 2023

    Good day, Sir Morton! I am a teacher from the Philippines. May I have your permission to use your materials in the thesis that I’m working on? I find them to be very comprehensive.

    Thank you very much!

  4. courtney

     /  May 23, 2023

    it is brilliant! It breaks topics down to a understandable level

  5. Hunter Jenkins

     /  May 9, 2023

    i like your games on this website

  6. Emilio Reales

     /  May 8, 2023

    I have been using this website since 2018 and I have seen how my ELs students have benefited from all the resources you have put into it. As a Bilingual teacher is imperative that my students understand the basics of reading comprehension, grammar, and writing, which is essential for English acquisition. Thank you for your help. I just wish you can add more basic English material since sometimes I get newcomers with no English skills whatsoever. THANK YOU

  7. Josephine lantaca

     /  April 19, 2023

    Mr Morton,Thank you so much for sharing this worksheets,this is very helpful,and may I ask you if I can use some of your worksheet in my teaching demonstration? thank you very much ❤️

  8. Sahil Sathi

     /  April 14, 2023

    It’s very helpful for students

  9. Sarah

     /  April 10, 2023

    How is it that I’ve been teaching for several years and haven’t come across your website until now? Thank you for sharing such valuable materials! I am already planning to use a few practices and quizzes as reviews for my Costa Rican high school students.

  10. bobby hill

     /  March 20, 2023


  11. Abdul Rehman

     /  March 11, 2023

    This one is so useful and beneficial thanks for everything , Thank you .

  12. Amber

     /  March 1, 2023

    I’ve just found this website and it is an absolute lifesaver for an English tutor just starting out. Thank you so much for putting together such a wonderful resource!

  13. Chukwuemeka

     /  January 27, 2023

    I just discovered this site and I’m overwhelmed by its utility. Thank you for rescuing us English teachers.

  14. braydon your biggest fan

     /  January 24, 2023

    love all the game make more levels on context clues climber and super grammar ninja please and thank you

    your biggest fan

  15. Ryder Lee

     /  January 10, 2023

    Or if you can not make a Context Clues Climber 2, please add more levels to the first one. Please and thank you!!

  16. Henry Sullivan

     /  September 19, 2022

    Poetry cat is my fav/dad

    • Ryder Lee

       /  January 11, 2023

      Mr.Morton please make a Context Clues Climber 2. Me and my friends would really appreciate it. Thanks!

  17. Christian Ah Wong-Walker

     /  September 12, 2022

    this is immaculate

  18. courtney

     /  August 22, 2022

    You have great resources! Thanks for letting us use these!

  19. Ann

     /  July 5, 2022

    Thank you! It’s the Treasure Island for language teachers!

  20. Rebecca flower

     /  May 29, 2022

    Sooo it’s really fun but I only have a iPad and I can’t play it! Please make it to that we can play it on ALL ELECTRONICS!! Thanks! Love Rebecca flower (the most beautiful girl in the whole world!) 🙂

  21. Kara

     /  February 3, 2022

    Thank you so much for sharing these materials. I love that your have editable versions so that I can make changes or templates for scaffolded notes for my students without having to start from scratch. Huge time saver that helps me provide more effective lessons and continued practice.

    One thing, I’m sure I saw something a while back about how to make donations, but I can’t seem to find it again… Couldn’t donate what it’s worth, but I’d love to contribute something.

  22. Tynazijah Jones

     /  January 31, 2022

    I 100% agree with this website thank you for sharing this with me Mr. Morton!

  23. Khaula

     /  December 13, 2021

    Thank you. it helped me to prepare for my English exam. <3

  24. Melody Greene

     /  November 17, 2021

    THIS IS AWSOME!!!!!!

  25. Emma

     /  November 15, 2021

    hello!!!! ive personally been playing this for years and i LOVE it so much its so fun to play in school and im thankful for you making this keep up the good work <3

  26. Chamie

     /  September 16, 2021

    I love this website so much! This has helped me a lot with the topics I topic. Thank you so much! Much love! <3

  27. rhem

     /  September 13, 2021

    thank you so much..

  28. Jessica washington

     /  May 5, 2021

    this is good

  29. Best website ever

     /  March 19, 2021

    This is the best reading website I ever used.

    Thank you sooo much,

    It helped me pass a very important exam.

  30. Samoya thomas

     /  March 5, 2021

    I want to try again

  31. Al

     /  January 10, 2021

    My son just started your writing assignments workshop. He is in 6th grade and so far he likes it a lot. I love it!!!
    I am wondering if you provide any examples or various answers for the writing workshop. Thank you!

  32. Dianne

     /  January 8, 2021

    Mr. Morton, thank you for your work on these pages! I would like to make a suggestion on the understanding syntax – sentence types PP. On the “simple sentences” slide, your current wording says “simple sentences have just one clause” whereas it should indicate one INDEPENDENT clause.

  33. razia muhammad

     /  January 1, 2021

    its such an amazing site that proved extremely resourceful it solved all my issues of finding passages, constructing a question in fact a variety of passages that are interesting yet challenging

  34. Ugwu Raphael

     /  December 1, 2020

    Your worksheets are just the best. I use them here in Nigeria.

  35. Tonda Farrior

     /  October 19, 2020

    My students are completing the assignments online and emailing them to me. However, I am not receiving the emails. Can you help?

    • Usually, this problem is caused by the IT department blocking emails from my server. You can ask them to whitelist I think it’s easier for most people just to bypass them with a personal email address, like a gmail account. Try having your students send the results to a personal email address and see if it works any better.

      Best wishes!

  36. Alysha Sudduth

     /  October 8, 2020

    I have a student who was doing work on the Parts of Speech app. I can provide specific information. He needs his progress scores from his account, but his internet will not let him log into the account he was using. Can you help access his work?

    • All data for that application is stored locally, in the browser window. If using a different machine, or even a different browser, the data will not be available.

  37. Nathan Pendleton

     /  October 7, 2020


    thank you.

  38. Ariella Moonly

     /  September 28, 2020

    so I did stuff…
    I do hate the way that the writer in the trampoline article stated that you shouldn’t
    teach your self how to flip with out gymnastics/parkour experts monitoring and spotting you.
    and this is dearly untrue as I taught my self to
    flip with out a spot.
    oh and how come there are hundreds maybe even thousands of self taught gymnastics/parkour journeys growing viral on YouTube.

  39. Celeste McKenzie

     /  September 22, 2020

    When my kids try to save it just spins and doesn’t save. If they go to print it does come up with a page with their score but they cannot send it to me. We are working on iPads, BTW.

  40. Celeste

     /  September 22, 2020

    Is there a way to see students’ work and how they scored on an activity?

  41. donna

     /  May 18, 2020

    Hi – how do I send to Google Classroom? And how do kids type on them??? Thanks!

    • Google Classroom integration is only available on the online worksheets:

      You click the black square button with the people on it on the starting slide when you are logged into your classroom account.
      I could take a screenshot if that explanation is confusing.
      Students go to the links and complete the assignments within the browser window,typing their responses in the textboxes that appear as they progress.
      When they are done, they should save all their results and responses.No data is ever stored, so I can’t recover it if they lose it.
      Then they can mail that PDF to you or use the built in emailing function at the end of the test.

      Try one out and see if that makes sense:

      • Noelle Preece

         /  September 28, 2020

        I used an eReading online activity for a virtual Friday assignment and told the students to email me their results afterward. In the past I had gotten a cool email with a large grade on it but this time, I got nothing…NO emails despite a bunch of kids in google classroom showing that they had turned it in. Why did I get no emails this time? Also, above in your comment you said the students have to save their responses. Where do they save them? HOW do they save them for me to see their scores?

        • The most common reason why people do not receive the emails is because they are using school address with restrictions. In other words, the IT department is stopping you from getting emails from my server.

          One way to solve this problem is to ask the IT people to whitelist emails from This will allow you to receive the emails. The other work around is to have your students send their results to a personal email account (such as Gmail) that your IT department does not control. Then there will be no restrictions.

          As for saving their results, at the end of each activity there are buttons. One is a letter (used for email). Another is a disk (used for saving). A third is a printer (used for printing). I recommend that they either save the PDF to their computers using the SAVE button or print their results and store the print out. Either works I guess.

          Best wishes!

  42. Gemma Espadero

     /  May 14, 2020

    I really love your works here. Thanks for this wonderful site. I am a mother and at the same time an educator. God bless you

  43. Kinzola mamy-irene

     /  May 6, 2020

    Hi Mr Morton
    I’m a new parent of grade 9 , i just receive your address
    Now, I’m very interested with your work,
    Thanks for your concern to our kids
    God bless you.

  44. Larry Nardolillo

     /  February 24, 2020

    THANK YOU for this comprehensive worksheet. I am a new teacher who teaches high schoolers. Do you have any 9 – 12 grade worksheets?

  45. Mostafa Belkar

     /  January 21, 2020

    Very interesting docs many thanks for ssharing them .

  46. "Mr.G

     /  January 18, 2020

    Love this site!

  47. Kevin

     /  January 18, 2020

    Love this site man thanks!

  48. Alison

     /  January 16, 2020

    I wanted to let you know my 7th graders are getting fiercely competitive about Poetry Cat. Today I am introducing them to Context Clue Climber!

    Next week we tackle non-fiction text structure, and I’ll assign each kid one of your many, many, many text structure worksheet passages to create a graphic organizer/visualization for. We put them up and the walls look great and have TONs of interesting information!

    Thank you so much for being such a reliable and interesting source for middle schoolers!

    • Awesome. I’m glad that my work has been helpful for you and your students. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

      • Raphael Friedman

         /  October 16, 2020

        It’s ridiculous how great this site is. I can’t believe you do this! Amazing!

  49. Vinita Rathi

     /  April 19, 2019

    Feeling very lucky to have stumbled on this resource. Fantastic worksheets. I second Mr.Morton.

  50. Christal N

     /  March 28, 2019

    I love this resource. When we as professionals are asked to do ridiculous things that are beyond our capabilities in the classroom by our administrative staff, this website is helpful!

    • They love doing that, don’t they? Thanks for visiting!

    • Mr V

       /  June 20, 2019

      Absolutely agree with the utility of this website, especially with respect to preparing summer school curriculum with very little prior warning as a novice teacher.

      Thanks Mr. Morton!


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