Ereading Worksheets

Ereading Worksheets provides teachers, parents, and motivated students with high-quality reading worksheets, activities, and resources aligned with Common Core State Standards. This website uses a skill focused approach where each activity targets a specific skill set, but you can also browse the reading worksheets by grade level.

The resources on this website cover a broad range of reading, writing, and language arts skills. And this site has a growing collection of online reading activities. Everything on here is free for home and classroom use. I am committed to expanding and improving the content on this site and making it easy to access for learners around the world. Subscribe now to receive emails about new content and big updates to this site.

Some Useful Pages

Reading Resources

Figurative Language Resources

Language Arts Resources

Writing Resources

This site is a labor of love. It has grown tremendously over the years, and I am still working diligently to continue to update and improve this website.

Send comments, questions, corrections, or feedback to or post in the comments below. I’m just one person, but I try my best to reply to vistors, meet requests, and offer help when I can. Thanks for visiting!

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  1. Rielli

     /  March 27, 2019

    yo where the heck is the mongooses, the heck

  2. Elaine

     /  March 26, 2019

    Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful resourceswhich help my students immensely

  3. Ma. Ayessa A. Agacita

     /  March 3, 2019

    A pleasant day Mr. Morton. I found a worksheet from your cite regarding inferences. I would like to ask permission from you to allow me to use some parts of it for the strategic intervention material that I am using in my action research.

    Thank you very much. God bless more.

    Sincerely yours,

    Ma. Ayessa A. Agacita

    • You are permitted to use my materials for research. Please share your results with me if you can. Best wishes!

  4. Mia Wu

     /  February 25, 2019

    I am a senior high school student from China and I found that our teacher selected texts from there so here I am.well I hope this site can help me improve my reading.

  5. Holly

     /  February 23, 2019

    I’m a private tutor and I printed a whole bunch of these out and put them in an organized binder for my kids to do in front of me. I’m so excited to use these! I’m also a teacher and would use these in my classroom. I would make these extra credit and have them do it in the classroom during down time so they can’t do it at home at look up answers. Not only would this be great for them to earn some extra points, but it would be great for me to see what the can apply when working without the internet at their fingertips.

  6. Larissan

     /  January 3, 2019

    I love this website as a resource, but I won’t be able to use it any longer. I am finding that students are just copying the answers off of your website whenever I give them a practice worksheet to do. As a result, I can’t use this website as a resource anymore. The students just copy all the answers word for word.

    • Yeah, I’ve thought of protecting the answer keys behind a paywall and charging a small fee. Then the students would have a harder time getting answers, but so would other people too.

      What do you think?

      • A workaround-solution that you could use right now would be to download the .RTF files and change the titles to something unique.

        The students are finding the answer keys by searching for the Google-optimized worksheet titles.

        While it wouldn’t be a perfect solution, it might help. And I prefer to keep the content on this site free and open for parents, teachers, and students.

        Best wishes! Sorry to see you leave.

  7. Umar Tahlie

     /  December 19, 2018

    I am very amazed to see a sight that contained a lot of language study material. Thanks a lot.

  8. G Slack

     /  December 13, 2018

    In the past, the answers were easily accessible. Now, the print is so small-very user unfriendly

    • Yeah, I changed the keys because they were unfriendly to users on mobile devices. Have you tried clicking on the keys to enlarge them?

      I’m working on making them easier to print and view, but I’m working on 50 other things too and I’m just one guy.

      Thanks for the feedback though.

  9. Mana

     /  December 13, 2018

    Hello! I would like to know that where is the comprehension ”Castrophobia” .
    Reply soon.
    Yours sincerely,
    I would not like to mention my name, sorry.

  10. shan

     /  December 7, 2018

    i want to know how to go to menu

  11. Blake im a girl

     /  December 5, 2018

    this website is ok the stories need to be more interesting other than that its pretty good

  12. cade

     /  November 26, 2018

    This sight helps so much! Thanks for creating it!

  13. anthony

     /  November 12, 2018

    This site is helpful

  14. Jana Fahmy

     /  November 1, 2018

    Hi how can I get to the reading tests

  15. KFS

     /  October 30, 2018

    In 2 of the inferring worksheets, the verbiage is disturbing for the age group that you have selected. For example,
    “I will kill you.”
    “After six hours of playing Grand Larceny VII…”
    Your inferring worksheets will be more useful if you found more suitable language for the students and the day in time that we live in.

  16. fatinsarahin

     /  October 28, 2018

    I found this very useful and helpful

  17. Slatt

     /  August 28, 2018

    This was interesting

  18. crystal

     /  July 28, 2018

    In what order should all of this be taught? There is so much great information here, but it is a bit overwhelming for me. I am homeschooling my 6th and 8th grader for health reasons and I am so glad I found this site. I just don’t know where to start. Can I teach them the same things or by grade?
    Thank you.

  19. Fatima

     /  June 3, 2018

    i would like to inform you that because of your STUPID website our teacher gives us umpteen assignments. my desk is stacked with English work. My exams are close but she doesn’t stop giving us assignment saying that each worksheet teaches something new. I would like to make a request to you to STOP MAKING MORE WORKSHEETS.

    Thank you.

  20. Giannina

     /  May 22, 2018

    After searching so many websites, I finally found you! Wow! Thank you SO much for all this. Very well done.
    I’m glad I’m done researching. All these is so helpful. Thank you thank you

  21. Catherine McLennan

     /  May 20, 2018

    These resources are a wonderful way to improve literacy skills on so many levels. They are a fantastic way to help the students revise before English exams.

  22. Jaxon

     /  May 9, 2018

    how do i get to the games mr.morton

  23. Tina

     /  May 4, 2018

    Can you send me something that shows the lexile levels on the 9th grade reading passages?

    • Lexile levels are proprietary and I do not have a licensing agreement with them. Instead I use open source grade levels scanners. I hope that helps!

  24. Umar Tahlie Sadik

     /  May 1, 2018

    Thanks for making this page overtly.

  25. Ellen

     /  December 1, 2017

    I’m a speech language pathologist. These worksheets have been really helpful for my students. Thank you for posting them!

  26. kbshea

     /  November 30, 2017

    This is just exactly what is needed for so much of my instruction with ESL kids…..

    I’m so very appreciative, Mr. Morton! Great service to kids you may never even meet.

  27. Angela Baby

     /  November 3, 2017

    Wow! This website is just amazing. It’s helped me a lot in my everyday studies. Thank you!

    -XOXO Angela Baby

  28. Maria Nerizza A Montes

     /  September 18, 2017

    Thanks a lot for these shares
    More power and blessings
    Credits to you…..

    Sincerely yours,

  29. Mariah221101

     /  September 14, 2017

    Can you please send me some good metaphors and similes for the weather and different feelings please.
    Thank you

  30. sebastian

     /  August 13, 2017

    thanks for making this page it saved my life!!!!!.

  31. Justina Joseph

     /  July 31, 2017

    Hey Mr. Morton, Thank you so much for creating this. You have no idea the scope of work you removed off of my plate. Thanks so much.

  32. Rajshri

     /  July 7, 2017

    Hello, Please post the answers of interjection worksheets PDF

  33. Nancy Piper Davis

     /  June 27, 2017

    I am very interested in researching your site and seeing if it is a benefit for my students.

  34. JIOPE.Rusiate.V

     /  June 21, 2017

    As a tutor, I would like to thank the author of this enhancing website. It is very helpful indeed to both ESL Learners and Teachers.

    Big Thanks.

  35. Aybek Gorey

     /  June 19, 2017


    These are great activities, thanks so much. I was wondering if I could incorporate some of them in tests / exams for our students in my college? Can I get permission for that?

    Kind regards

    Aybek Gorey

  36. BOB

     /  June 4, 2017

    I love this website.
    I have exams at the end of the month, and these worksheets are awesome for practice. The stories are cool, and all the worksheets help with my studying. THANK YOUUUU!!
    Also, do you think you can add more worksheets with more figurative devices (alliteration, oxymorons, etc.) or where I can find some?

  37. roona

     /  May 29, 2017

    my daughter is highly functioning autism, has delay in reading and understanding paragraphs. can you recommend some worksheets for me to read with her to upgrade her skills,

  38. Carson Foster

     /  April 5, 2017

    Hey I couldn’t get it working at first but i got it working and i loved it

  39. Annabeth

     /  April 5, 2017

    Hello. I am so thankful for this site since it is one of my greatest reasons behind my success in poetry. Loving the work☺️

  40. cameron holton

     /  April 3, 2017

    it was hard but at the same time a little easy!

  41. isaac

     /  March 13, 2017

    this website is not working

  42. Rhoedel

     /  March 2, 2017

    Hi Good Day! May I know if you have a standard rating of the reading comprehension tests you have? Because we used your worksheets in our research. Please do reply.

  43. Rhoedel

     /  March 2, 2017

    Hi Good Day! May I know if you have a standard rating of the reading comprehension tests you have? Because we used your worksheets in our research. Please don reply?

  44. Jacqueline Lopez

     /  February 8, 2017

    Thank you so much for such a rich compendium of worksheets! As a new teacher, I scramble to find time to create materials for all the skills I need to teach and I am so grateful that you have chosen to make these resources available free of charge. You demonstrate the spirit of a true teacher in providing the fruits of your labor to help other teachers, and I hope I will be able to offer something similar in the future. Thank you!J

  45. Neel

     /  February 6, 2017

    Love your website.
    I hope you can continue to help students and teachers.
    Could you please upload more…

  46. Tiliana Eruanna

     /  January 29, 2017

    Can you make how to write a descriptive writing/paragraph/essay?
    If you have one, I cant find it.

  47. trunika

     /  January 19, 2017

    this webstie is really cool

  48. Ahmad

     /  January 17, 2017

    Does the owner still on in 2017?

  49. Nicole

     /  December 12, 2016

    Your POV Worksheet 3 does not have the correct answers. The answers are for a different set of questions than the worksheet uploaded.

  50. Parwit

     /  December 7, 2016

    I’m doing a research on a topic which I’m using one of the stories. I need to put in the bibliography to avoid plagiarism. Could you give me the name for the writer of “Carnivorous plants”?


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