Ereading Worksheets

Ereading Worksheets provides teachers, parents, and motivated students with high-quality reading worksheets, activities, and resources aligned with Common Core State Standards. This website uses a skill focused approach where each activity targets a specific skill set, but you can also browse the reading worksheets by grade level.

The resources on this website cover a broad range of reading, writing, and language arts skills. And this site has a growing collection of online reading activities. Everything on here is free for home and classroom use. I am committed to expanding and improving the content on this site and making it easy to access for learners around the world. Subscribe now to receive emails about new content and big updates to this site.

Some Useful Pages

Reading Resources

Figurative Language Resources

Language Arts Resources

Writing Resources

This site is a labor of love. It has grown tremendously over the years, and I am still working diligently to continue to update and improve this website.

Send comments, questions, corrections, or feedback to or post in the comments below. I’m just one person, but I try my best to reply to vistors, meet requests, and offer help when I can. Thanks for visiting!

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  1. andre

     /  December 6, 2016

    put games

  2. India Dotson

     /  November 29, 2016

    so this website is just to show what your students did wrong and then give the correct answer.

    people can comment and it just pop up.

    love this website.

  3. victor

     /  November 9, 2016

    Keep this standard of service up.

  4. victor

     /  November 9, 2016

    wonderful material being obtained . we are in the southern hemisphere of Africa ! Thanks

  5. Mrs. O'Donnell

     /  October 27, 2016

    I had my students take the Capitalization Practice 1. Question 19 has the incorrect answer, my 7th graders challenged.
    19. Veteran’s Park is about as far west as you can go in the country without stepping foot into a lake.
    Answer according to you: West should be capitalized
    Correct Answer: NO NEED to capitalize ‘west’ since it’s just a compass direction.

    Please respond so I can share the answer with my 7th graders!

    • Your student is correct. I will update this answer when the time is available. Thanks for informing me. Best wishes!

  6. antonio soto

     /  October 26, 2016

    Keep up the good work Mr. Morton!

  7. Leo

     /  October 25, 2016

    This website is awsome. Just one question can you talk spanish

  8. Ahmed Mohammed Shaban

     /  October 5, 2016

    – Many Happy Returns to all.
    – With my best wishes for long, happy and successful life.
    – Really, this is the core idea of team (Team: Together everyone achieves more
    – Readers are leaders. Read, Read, Read & Never get tired of Reading. I have great leaders in my classes after I had published this site to them. They are champions.
    – Update your English with the Upstream of this site as I think It is your passport to pass all gates around the world.
    With e-reading worksheets, you can master the 4 skills of language and the other sub-skills.
    With it, you can shape and build your personality into better ones.

  9. francisco torres

     /  October 3, 2016

    this is a good site

  10. Vickie

     /  September 6, 2016

    LOVE this site! I teach ESL and ABE and it is so helpful for both. I especially like the graphic organizers used in the reading worksheets. Do you have full sized graphic organizer templates? My students would really benefit from them

    • I’d love to get a page of graphic organizers together. That sounds like a project for the future. Thank you for the suggestion.

  11. Mr. Straus

     /  August 15, 2016

    I started using this site as a supplementary resource 3 years ago and am very impressed with the enhanced organization and navigation that you have put into it since then. These lessons and worksheets are perfect for my high school ELL students.

  12. Rose Tracy

     /  July 26, 2016

    AWESOME resource! So thankful this is available. I use it for all my students, at varying levels. Especially love the Figurative Language worksheets!

    • Thank you so much for saying so.

      Check out my new free game: Poetry Cat.
      It’s a fun way for students to review figurative language and poetic devices if they have computer or pad time.

      Thanks for taking the time to comment and best wishes!

  13. Salomon Torres Vidal

     /  July 18, 2016

    It’s a helpful tool for teachers, especially those who work with task based approach.

  14. Isobel

     /  July 4, 2016

    Dear Mr. Morton,

    Thank you very much for being so generous in sharing these materials. It has been a great resource for supplementary instructional materials. It’s very easy to understand.

  15. Mrs. Elizabeth Cruz

     /  May 5, 2016

    Dear Mr Norton,
    First of all receive my deepest gratitude for sharing this outstanding work with teachers all over the world.
    I am studying DELTA (University of Cambridge) at the moment in Mexico city and I want to include some of your work in one of my assignments about how to teach inference and give you credit for this, should I just write “Mr Norton” in my bibliography?
    I look forward to your prompt reply,
    Elizabeth Cruz

    • Thank you for the kind words.

      My name is Mr. Morton.
      My full name is Donald E. Morton, if you wan’t to consistently format your works cited page.

      Best wishes!

  16. Nancy Bjerkeset

     /  May 2, 2016

    Thank you for the well-developed and well-organized material! I read what “concerned teacher” wrote, and feel that it is important that we teachers proofread for each other because minor mistakes (or differences due to dialect) sneak into all writing – such is life. The materials you offer us are the epitome of unselfishness.

  17. Lorianne Hoenninger

     /  April 5, 2016

    I am an assistive technologist working with students with reading disabilities. We love your website. I have a question though. It is possible to use a text reader to have the reading worksheets read aloud, for those students who are working on reading comprehension, not decoding. BUT the questions cannot be read aloud. That print is blocked. Is it possible to unblock the question text?

  18. Delores Dorland

     /  April 1, 2016

    I stumbled across this website while I was looking for worksheets on adverbs and adjectives for my Adult Basic Education classes. The videos and worksheets are a great help to them. I have recommended it to my fellow GED/HiSET instructors. I especially like the Text structure and Figurative Language sections.

  19. David

     /  March 19, 2016

    I’m a high school teacher from England and I find all your resources so helpful. You are brilliant for sharing them. Thank you so much. The more worksheets on protestors keeping their dignity the better!

  20. leilani loon

     /  February 9, 2016

    Thank you for the effort in making this website… it helps me a lot to teach my children….

  21. Guadalupe Miramon

     /  February 4, 2016


  22. Ahuva

     /  January 23, 2016

    Thank you so much for sharing such incredibly helpful material and resources! These must have taken hours to prepare, and I for one appreciate the time they save me. They are also very concise and cover a wide range of relevant topics. Again, thank you!

  23. Mrs. K

     /  January 12, 2016

    I enjoy using this site and have recommended it to others that I work with! Do you know if there is a site similar for SS? I found one that is close for math!
    Thanks in advance!

    • As you’ve mentioned, I developed with my friend Mr. Colwell. It has a similar design to this website. I have not developed a social studies website, but I do have a cache of social studies materials that I will upload to a separate section on this site one day… Best wishes.

  24. Nishi

     /  January 11, 2016

    Awesome . Really taught me a lot . Thanks a lot .

  25. Varun

     /  December 8, 2015

    really interesting and useful in several ways.

  26. Denise

     /  November 14, 2015

    I am so grateful for your generosity.

  27. Erica

     /  November 8, 2015

    Absolutely love the materials! So grateful for this website and your hard work.

  28. John

     /  October 19, 2015

    Great work! Thanks so much. I really appreciate the material and my students will improve because of your great work!

  29. karima

     /  October 1, 2015

    Dear teacher,
    This website is quite helpful. My students enjoy it a lot. Thanks

  30. Sharon

     /  September 30, 2015

    I appreciate all the wonderful resources on this site! Thank you so much!

  31. Barber

     /  September 29, 2015

    This is my first year teaching reading and this website has helped tremendously! I feel a lot less stress about if I’m teaching this right or not now πŸ™‚

  32. Tomas

     /  September 28, 2015

    Thank you so much for these resources! You’re da bomb.

  33. Tomas

     /  September 28, 2015

    Good website.

  34. Evangelyn Guittap

     /  September 21, 2015

    Dear Teacher,
    Am very thankful for your worksheets because it saves me time to do it on my own.This is an amazing website. May God gives you more wisdom and patience to add or update your website.


    Evangelyn Guittap

  35. John

     /  September 16, 2015

    Thank you for being such a great teacher in creating these activities and such a generous professional in sharing them.

  36. Ryan

     /  September 16, 2015


  37. Maximus

     /  September 16, 2015

    A good way to get education.

  38. amirah

     /  September 9, 2015

    this website helped me a lot in planning for classroom activity. thank you to all the admins! Lots of love from Malaysia πŸ™‚

  39. LeeAnn

     /  September 4, 2015

    Thank you for all of the excellent lessons, resources, and worksheets!!! You are awesome!!!

  40. Reading Teacher

     /  September 4, 2015

    I just want you to know how much your worksheets and PowerPoints have helped my students. I work in a very low income rural district. They hired me to help improve reading scores and of course had no curriculum and no intention of buying anything. Thank goodness I found your website! My 7th and 8th graders saw a 50% increase on their state achievement test! And they absolutely love trashketball!

  41. michael

     /  September 3, 2015

    ntext clues worksheet question. “Even when the police officers placed handcuffs on my mother, she maintained her dignity, holding her head up high as she was marched off the protest line.” Is this type of worksheet question aligned with the Common Core Standards? Very odd for a worksheet question considering the following statements were about sunshine and flowers. Appears as a ruse to influence my child. Inappropriate at the least

    • Common Core State Standards are a set of educational standards. They do not represent any particular content. I have aligned activities on this website with the Common Core State Standards. I am in no way affiliated with the organization that produced the Common Core State Standards. I apologize that you found the content that I produced to be inappropriate. I respect your right to parent as you see fit, but please do not forget that our country has been built and shaped by protestors, and that standing up for what one feels is “right” does not have to be inappropriate, so long as it is done in a civil manner.

  42. Concerned Teacher

     /  August 25, 2015

    I believe there are several errors on your capitalization practice answer key.

    21. Bekka read Someone to Love Me for her book report.
    22. Keisha invited her friends to a Pool Party for her Birthday ERROR: pool party/birthday
    23. Did she name the kitten Sunshine because of its golden fur?
    24. I wonder if he read the book in social studies class.
    25. On Monday, Ms. Smith gave us a science project.
    26. the Amazon River is the longest river in South America. ERROR: The
    27. Get me a Big Mac, would you?
    28. Janet said wearily, “Could you help me up?”

  43. Celine

     /  August 22, 2015

    Thank you so much for sharing this excellent material. Do you know where I could find similar worksheets that combine a grade 1 and 2 level reading level with grades 6-12 interest? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide, and thank you again for this great resource.

    • I am afraid that I know of no such resource, but I’d like to add more content for younger students this year.

      Best wishes.

  44. Shanna

     /  August 20, 2015

    This site is fantastic! I use the resources for my homeschooled 6th grader. One thing that would be helpful is for the online reading comp report to include the Q&A responses for the multiple choice questions. We could then use them for reporting to our charter school and I could review incorrect answers with my student.

    • That’s a great suggestion. I’m going to revise the format of these quizzes and add some new ones this year. I will implement your suggestion.

      Best wishes!

  45. Lucy

     /  August 12, 2015

    Thank you for this wonderful resource. My son was slipping through the cracks in school and teachers these days don’t seem to have the time or inclination to assist them further when required.

  46. samuel denson

     /  July 30, 2015

    hello this is my first time on this site in a while but it seems there are a lot of improvements this is a wonderful educational site thank you for all you do

    • You are most welcome. Thank you for coming back. I’m continually updating the site… though usually in batches.

  47. Val

     /  July 21, 2015


    I use your resources for my son who is Autism Spectrum. Text understanding is very difficult as he has language difficulties. I find your ”Don’t tell. Show worksheet” is useful. At the moment, there are not much worksheets. I found one and the exercise is mainly given the “telling” and ask to write “showing” . Would it possible to have more. Many Thanks!

  48. TRISY

     /  June 23, 2015

    Thanks to this site I finally understand what a semicolon is used for! yay thanks!

  49. melina

     /  June 10, 2015

    Hi Mr.Morton,

    I just wanted to thank you for putting effort into all these worksheets. You truly represent the idea of valuable education and improving lives through literacy

  50. Kaya Now

     /  May 14, 2015

    This is a really great site. My students love the interactive content!

    • I’m so happy. I’m working hard on a new application for the internet and iOS. Just taking a short break to moderate comments. Best wishes!


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