Ereading Worksheets

Ereading Worksheets provides teachers, parents, and motivated students with high-quality reading worksheets, activities, and resources aligned with Common Core State Standards. This website uses a skill focused approach where each activity targets a specific skill set, but you can also browse the reading worksheets by grade level.

The resources on this website cover a broad range of reading, writing, and language arts skills. And this site has a growing collection of online reading activities. Everything on here is free for home and classroom use. I am committed to expanding and improving the content on this site and making it easy to access for learners around the world. Subscribe now to receive emails about new content and big updates to this site.

Some Useful Pages

Reading Resources

Figurative Language Resources

Language Arts Resources

Writing Resources

This site is a labor of love. It has grown tremendously over the years, and I am still working diligently to continue to update and improve this website.

Send comments, questions, corrections, or feedback to or post in the comments below. I’m just one person, but I try my best to reply to vistors, meet requests, and offer help when I can. Thanks for visiting!

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  1. Stephanie

     /  June 7, 2013

    This is a very helpful website very few r free I like this

  2. Normala

     /  May 31, 2013

    You’re an angel. All of these really helps! Just want to let you know that your work is greatly appreciated.

  3. Ruyku

     /  April 26, 2013

    Thanks to you, I started to understand Figurative language more!:3 Thank you.

  4. bevill

     /  April 23, 2013

    This is great. I even found lesson plans for my social studies class, and more.

    • Having taught social studies for a bit, I have many other resources that I created. If you’d like, I can add more.

  5. I love this website it is such a big help thank you so very much for all your hard work love yall!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye!!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous

     /  April 10, 2013

    This is a good website but the only thing i don’t like about this is that if you get a question wrong, it doesn’t tell you the right answer.

    • Thank you for saying so. I will be updating and adding new interactive content, making them IPad compatible, and improving the selection of interactive texts. In the meantime, you can review the correct answers by clicking the “Review” button after the quiz is over.

  7. darrel holmes

     /  April 10, 2013

    hey guys{: this is a fun website!

  8. Maria Leigh

     /  April 9, 2013

    & Thanks alot.. 🙂 <<3

  9. Peachie

     /  March 30, 2013

    Hello. I would like to promote your website for teachers everywhere, as I do teacher presentations frequently. Am I at liberty to print/show samples of your handouts to the teachers I train? Your website is FAR superior to most others and I so want to point them to your site by the hundreds! Your response is appreciated. Thank you.

  10. Kate

     /  March 20, 2013

    This site and its resources have been a lifesaver during review for high-stakes testing. I feel like my students are understanding these concepts on a higher level.

    Thank you!

    • I’m pleased to hear it. Thank you for visiting!

      • Jennifer

         /  April 22, 2013

        I don’t know who this is but I found a question about adultery on an inference worksheet that I sent home with my students and I was not happy with it at all. What are we trying to teach our children? I would love to find out who made the worksheet

        • Hello. I made the worksheet. Please read materials before you distribute them. Everything on this site is not appropriate for all grade levels. Feel free to modify materials to meet the needs and standards in your classroom.

  11. NC

     /  March 13, 2013

    Great website!
    Thank you so much for all the great resources.
    Your work is truly appreciated!
    I will tell all my colleagues about your website.

  12. This is a amazing tool to use for young children.

  13. juso

     /  March 12, 2013

    great site!

  14. This site has been a true gift to both myself and my students! Love it! Thanks so much!

  15. Melissa Rhodes

     /  February 26, 2013

    This website is a wonderful resource! Thank you!

  16. Jacque Parke

     /  February 22, 2013

    Thank you so much for all this wonderful material. I am strategically filling gaps for my high school students that they missed somewhere and they are loving it! Great guided lessons and practices! Love the projects too!

  17. Ninja

     /  February 8, 2013

    This is a great website for learning

  18. Mark

     /  February 7, 2013

    this website is great it just need more games

  19. This is the most user-friendly, actually applicable website I have found for helping students learn literacy. Thanks so much for allowing me to access it.

  20. Antonetta

     /  February 3, 2013

    First of all thank you so much for this website. I look forward to what EREADING WORKSHEETS has to offer in the specific area I am teaching. I was also wondering if you had any resources on teaching the use of graphic aids in a text. It appears that if there is a map written in a story, and there’s a question about the map at the end of the story, students miss it because it was so easy and perhaps the obvious was not the answer. Thanks in advance.

  21. debbie de villiers

     /  January 31, 2013

    Hello, I just really wanted to say a huge thank you for these excellent resources. I have started using them in class and they are the best I have ever come across. The structure is brilliant, the content thorough and the worksheets really help to solidify learning. Thank you, thank you, thank you! And well done.

  22. you help me teach my cousin and sister

  23. i can teach reading to my sixth grade!!!!!!!!

  24. This was awesome. I got an A+ on my grammar exams. I love you.

  25. Adrienne

     /  January 13, 2013

    Thank you for the great resource! I really appreciate all of your hardwork and generosity.

  26. Hi,
    I am so impressed with this website, thank you SO much for presenting a simple and yet thorough source of information that will benefit me so greatly as I pursue my teaching career.

    Kerry (Australian working in UK)

  27. Andrease

     /  January 12, 2013

    This is a very informative site. It has given me extra resources to enhance my son’s middle school curriculum.

  28. My students are learning Math and they really understand.

  29. Sara

     /  November 29, 2012

    I luh-ve this! Thank you.

  30. chris

     /  November 12, 2012

    Awesome and Free!!! My students get so much excellent practice from home to supplement through the online activities too.

  31. Maddigan

     /  November 5, 2012

    Hey! This is a great site!! It really helps!

  32. Stephanie

     /  November 1, 2012

    I have been using your material for about a year now, thank you so much! It is fantastic, and I appreciate all of your hard work so much!!!

  33. Lisa

     /  October 29, 2012

    Oh by the way, the games are fun to try and help you learn very well. Have fun with this cool website!;]

  34. This is a really great website! My child loves this website!! Hope everyone likes the website!!:]

  35. mary catherine

     /  October 21, 2012

    Thank you for sharing all of your hard work with us. You’re an inspiration!

  36. Paula

     /  October 20, 2012

    Excellent work. The best I’ve seen even among the paid ones. The blessing of God upon you. Thanks a million.

  37. Ashley kirby

     /  October 19, 2012

    This is an awesome website thank you so much. this is the best website in the world for my homeschooling and homework:) Love always ashley nicole kirby

  38. I’m so glad I found this site! I’ve been needed materials for homework and tutoring, and everything here is PERFECT! Thank you so much!

  39. Paula

     /  August 22, 2012

    Hiii, Im brazilian, and I had a test based in this site, so I came here to practice! Is very good! thank you!!

  40. lilypant

     /  August 22, 2012

    Excellent resource for students and teachers.

  41. jim

     /  August 18, 2012

    I love your website, but some of your examples need to be cleaned up for all age users.

    • I’d love to separate content by age or grade, but it’s not going to happen in the foreseeable future. In the meantime, please read material carefully before using in your classroom and edit when necessary.

  42. dave

     /  August 10, 2012

    great site

  43. Esmeralda

     /  August 4, 2012

    Hi , I have an assignment to do but it really hard I don’t get it how do I study and practice literacy first time going to seventh grade I’ve been home schooled for a very long time I really don’t know how this thing works

  44. I like this website!Thank u so much to put all your hardwork!:)

  45. Antoinette

     /  July 8, 2012

    I am a fourth grade teacher and stumbled upon your site for genre. I love the resources! Thank You!

  46. Aylin

     /  June 13, 2012

    This website is one of the best EFL sites I’ve ever visited. It deserves appreciation as it is full of to-the-point examples and information on valuable skills 🙂 Thanx a lot …

  47. Suaad San Nicolas

     /  June 3, 2012

    I love this website! Thank you so much for all the hard work you have put into it. Many of the teachers her at my school use it and love all that you do. Keep up the excellent work!

  48. Terri-ann Capper

     /  May 17, 2012

    i am using this for my test my english teacher shown me this site to try ts realy good

  49. thanks this works great because im doing a project and it helps!!!!!!!!!

  50. Orozco

     /  May 4, 2012

    Just have to tell you : GOD BLESS YOU! and THANKS!


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