Short Stories with Questions

This page features 20 of my favorite short stories with questions. These reading activities are perfect for classroom use. Written by some of the greatest authors in history, these stories are short enough to cover in a single class period, and rich enough to warrant study. I tried to select stories that students would find […]

Setting Worksheets

The setting of the story is the time and place that it occurs. Every story has a setting. The setting helps to create the mood of the story. It influences how readers feel about the text. Here is an example of what I mean. How Does Setting Affect Mood? Imagine a story about a girl […]

Making Predictions Worksheets

Making predictions is a basic reading skill that requires higher level thinking. To make a good prediction, readers must consider available information and make an inference. Good readers make predictions based on textual evidence. If you use evidence to support your predication, you can justify it whether you are right or wrong. I designed these […]

Types of Conflict Worksheets

What would a story be without a conflict? It would be boring. Perhaps that is why all stories worth telling have a problem. Most scholars agree that there are six basic types of conflicts in literature. I will define each of these. Then I will provide PowerPoint lessons and worksheets that reinforce these ideas. Use […]

New Home Page Test

Ereading Worksheets provides teachers, parents, and motivated students with high-quality reading worksheets, activites, and resources aligned with Common Core State Standards. This website uses a skill focused approach, where each activity targets a specific set of skills. The resources on this website cover a broad range of reading, writing, and language arts skills and everything […]

Summarizing Worksheets and Activities

Summarizing is one of those skills that may seem very easy to a teacher but can be difficult for students who have not been properly taught how to summarize. For many years I did not even teach my seventh and eighth grade students how to summarize. I would just ask them to summarize texts and […]

Nonfiction Passages and Functional Texts

Students need to gain lots of practice working with nonfiction passages. This prepares them for more advanced course work. Here are some nonfiction reading passages, worksheets, and online practice activities to give students practice. I recommend using the online versions of the activities if you have access to technology in your classroom. It will save […]

New and Improved Ereading Worksheets

If you’ve been coming to this site for a while, you may be familiar with my Ereading Worksheets. These are interactive online versions of my worksheets. Students complete these online and are instantly graded on their results. At the end, students can print out a score sheet indicating their success. These Ereading Worksheets were pretty […]

Figurative Language Poems with Questions

Poetry is a rich source of figurative language. Though there are examples of figurative language to be found in all genres of literature, perhaps none more than in poetry. Good poets pack worlds of meaning into tiny little lines. These lines evoke emotions, thoughts, and at times social change. One of the ways that poets […]

Reading Units and Lesson Plans Aligned with Common Core

I received an email from a teacher working in a situation similar to mine: students who are deficient in basic skills, a lack of useful resources in the classroom, misdirection or no direction from the top. This teacher found the resources on this website to be a tremendous help in reaching her instructional goals, but […]